Or to put it another way, the practicalities of whether RBS and Lloyds could continue to be Scottish banks are intricately bound up in a separate, hugely important, debate - which is whether Scotland would be part of a formal sterling zone, with the Bank of England as central bank for a separated Scotland.
BBC: Could RBS stay in an independent Scotland?
The future of search, and all of the personalization that can be served up by that search data, is bound up in how much and what kinds of data can be associated with each of our different accounts.
FORBES: Watch Out Facebook, With Google+ at #2 and YouTube at #3, Google, Inc. Could Catch Up
But it would be a mistake to think that the entire nation was bound up in the events surrounding the fall of Silvio Berlusconi.
BBC: Italy crisis: Reaction to Berlusconi's resignation
The final deciding factor for the future of the region's economies seems to be, as is often the case in the Gulf, bound up with oil prices.
CNN: Middle East inflation soars
Although many sources of gas are already bound up in long-term contracts, optimists think Britain might be able to get more of it fairly easily.
ECONOMIST: Britain's energy crisis
With branches only in Switzerland, Wegelin claimed to be bound only by Swiss banking laws, brazenly scooping up deposits after UBS jettisoned Americans.
FORBES: Swiss Bank's Demise: Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?
Obama has banned the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to Yemen since January 2010 because of security concerns after a would-be bomber attempted to blow up a U.S.-bound flight on instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen.
NPR: Gitmo Closure Elusive, Obama Looks At Other Steps