He is said to be buried in the grounds of the 12th-century Down Cathedral.
He will be buried in a special area reserved for prominent people from Serbian society.
Many more bodies are thought to be buried in the rubble littering the surrounding area.
York Outer MP Julian Sturdy has argued the king's remains should be buried in York.
And they cannot generally be buried in Jewish cemeteries, even if they die in army service.
Mr Chavez, for his part, had said he wanted to be buried in his hometown in Barinas.
So his health care initiative, like his environmental and immigration agendas, may well be buried in committee.
He declined to say whether he thought it would be appropriate for the body to be buried in Massachusetts.
He will be buried in his hometown of Najaf, one of the holiest cities for Shiite Muslims, al-Husseini said.
Those items that are left behind will be buried in a capsule under what is now the parking lot.
In 1930, William Howard Taft became the first U.S. president to be buried in the National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
He will be buried in Novo-Devichy Cemetery, which also holds the graves of his teachers Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev.
Kelly will be buried in a cemetery in Greta, not far from the site of his gunfight with police in Glenrowan.
There are fears people could be buried in the wrong plots after errors were uncovered in records for two cemeteries in Northumberland.
At the same time, his body will be buried in his home town next to his parents in the South of France.
Thousand of Israelis filed through the Knesset building Thursday to view the body of Zeevi, who will be buried in a state funeral.
Bhutto is scheduled to be buried in the ancestral graveyard of the Bhutto family at Gari-Khuda Baksh in Sindh province Friday afternoon, he added.
Police tried to take away Rogo's body, but a group of supporters refused and took it away to be buried in the Muslim public cemetery.
They said that Milosevic tried to hide the atrocities by ordering the bodies to be buried in Serbia proper in locations far from the province.
One year after the earthquake that killed an estimated 300, 000 people and transformed Port-au-Prince and several communities into ruins, Haiti continues to be buried in chaos.
They also worry that the problems of integration, such as how to restructure branch networks, may be buried in the rush to meet Mr Soludo's deadline.
ECONOMIST: The hard task of reforming Nigeria's banking system
Some are believed to be buried in military compounds, whereas others were probably thrown into the sea or on to remote peaks in the Andes mountains.
No final decision was then made until September, when Mr Le Drian announced that Gen Bigeard would finally be buried in the Indochina memorial in Frejus.
In the first case, the cost of protection (the premium) would be buried in the accounts, in the operating costs, while the capital appears nowhere at all.
The men had apparently requested no autopsy and they had asked not to be buried in state shrouds, but in material brought specially from their family homes.
British experts have begun work in Burma following a 17-year search for a cache of World War II Spitfire planes believed to be buried in the country.
Like the copper cable, it would be buried in the ground--but a strand the diameter of a human hair could carry thousands of times more information than the copper wire.
He considered the All Night Vigil one of his finest works, and in his will, asked that it be sung at his funeral and that he be buried in Moscow.
These are the unknown victims of Mexico's drug wars - people who'll get no funeral, have no gravestone and who will, after a year, be buried in a mass grave.
Mr Maduro asked the National Assembly to reform the constitution to allow Mr Chavez's body to be buried in the National Pantheon, together with the most important leaders in Venezuela's history.