Three swaggering young Rhineland farmers, on their way to a country dance, turn round to be photographed complete with their hats and canes, one of them dangling a cigarette between his lips.
The district, which will include a VA Hospital, University Medical Center, Cancer Research Center, and BioInnovation Center, is set to be fully complete in 2015 with over 20, 000 job openings.
Red Sox reliever Andrew Miller was announced into the game and was warming up on the mound when play was abruptly halted for good, but Buchholz would be credited with a complete game because Miller never faced a batter, according to official scorer Jordan Sprechman.
Arguments that the Bank of England's sovereignty will be a mirage confuse sovereignty with complete autonomy.
Professor Veronesi says that these visits could be eliminated by combining the complete operation with all the radiotherapy in one package.
The Echelon was intended to be a mixed-use development complete with 5, 000 rooms in six hotels, lush landscaping and luxury amenities.
The evenings this week will be dressed up as parties, complete with cocktails and canapes, though again the conversations are steered towards the worthy.
The partially-built complex on the northern end of the Las Vegas Strip was to be a mixed-use development complete with 5, 000 rooms in six hotels, lush landscaping and luxury amenities.
The charity's ways of dealing with this problem include a treadmill for dogs to use, and a top floor room where they can be let loose to play, complete with giant lorry tyres and a paddling pool.
Far more than just a horse race, the Kentucky Derby is a singular cultural event, a long weekend of non-stop fun, spectacle, excitement, galas and memories, and while Louisville has much to offer at any time, once a year it is transformed into the place to be for the entire country, complete with unique cuisine and drink.
FORBES: 10 Best Once In A Lifetime Trips: Best Of 2013 Bucket List Travel
The hour-plus pitch will be followed by a similarly traditional party complete with network stars and open bars.
After three years poorly performing schools also run the risk of a complete shutdown, to be reopened later with a new staff.
The pinnacle of in-car gadgetry used to be a built-in radio, complete with pre-set buttons for switching between stations, and perhaps even a cassette player.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | What can drivers do at the wheel?
While it is not necessary to list out every item of personal property, something of unusual value should be listed out in accordance with a complete estate plan.
FORBES: Did Ryan O'Neal Steal Painting From Farrah Fawcett's Estate?
From within the Blink Network, consumers will be able to locate Blink charging stations complete with GPS navigation, check charging station availability, and receive notifications of charge interruption and completion.
ENGADGET: ECOtality teams with Sprint to connect Blink EV charging network
What should be a shallow, marshy environment, complete with a complex set of channels, islands and sand bars is becoming a flat, scoured bay subject to the full force of the Adriatic.
Surely they should be congratulated for creating their own modern fairytale complete with butterflies?
If they do than airline consolidation with full government blessing will be complete.
The X PRIZE Foundation will be collaborating with industry experts and advisors to complete the Tricorder X PRIZE design in 2011.
ENGADGET: X-Prize reveals plans for tricorder competition, suspiciously lacking Nimoy endorsement
Each will also be required to complete 50 hours of community service with senior citizens and must take part in a formal bullying prevention program.
This gives him the strong public image any politician would want, complete with "I'll be back" catchphrases and a salary of 30 million dollars a film.
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The mission, which Syria's government has said would be given one month to complete its work, with a month's extension possible, will release a report on its findings by week's end.
The reorganisation will be complete within six months (which is rapid compared with experience at other recently merged firms).
The saddle leather-decked rear can be converted to an instant upscale tailgate party, complete with Champagne cooler, a pull-out awning and umbrellas in concealed side compartments.
Gulf shopping malls like City Center-Doha, Landmark and Hyatt Plaza appear to be even more opulent versions of American malls, complete with themed entertainment and Starbucks.
The disclosure also must be truthful and complete, and the taxpayer must cooperate with the IRS in determining the correct tax liability and in making arrangements in good faith to fully pay the liability.
Web weather is entirely browser based, and you can bring it up in just the same way as on a smartphone -- confirm that your GPS is enabled, then head to and type "weather" -- you'll be rewarded with a 10-day forecast, complete with temp, precipitation, humidity and wind speed readouts.
Mr Stilman said he planned to create software that first identified an object, then determined potential things that could be done with it, before turning it into "a simple machine" that could be used to complete an action.
You might be better off with a copy of Peterson's Complete Guide to Colleges.