Only this time, it will be complicated by demagogic assertions of a default.
FORBES: How The GOP Should Play The Government Shutdown Threat
Expansion will take years and could be complicated by the port's proximity to territorial waters disputed by Iran.
Obama's plans to cut the deficit might be complicated by the continuing economic downturn, which threatens to reduce tax revenues.
In a world where issues tend to be complicated by multinational negotiations, it is easier to reach agreement through single party negotiations.
It will be complicated by the fact that neither the US-listed entity, Suntech Power Holdings, nor any subsidiaries other than Wuxi are declaring insolvency.
He spoke after the European Commission warned that Turkey's bid to join the EU could be complicated by its delay in passing the penal code.
However the mayoral election already looks as if it might be complicated by the fact that both major parties may be saddled with maverick candidates.
The market also remains underpinned by worries about global economic growth, which could be complicated by the debt problems in the U.S. and Europe, analysts said.
FORBES: Gold Underpinned By Downgrade Worries, Economy, European Debt Issues, Central-Bank Buying
But one expert said any claim would be complicated by the variations in water quality and the lack of a contamination finding from state or federal agencies.
And the effort will be complicated by the serious legal questions and eventual lawsuits about the statutory authority of a federal exchange to dispense subsidies at all.
But the vacancy question may be complicated by the fact that Gov. Jesse Ventura is empowered to appoint a successor to fill the seat until the November election.
Mr. Musharraf's ability to run also could be complicated by the treason allegations against him, though it remains to be seen whether he will actually be charged and convicted.
Any scientific investigation into Chavez's death, Huerta said, could be complicated by the fact that Chavez's body has already been embalmed so that it can be placed on display in a Caracas museum.
But any return to Angola is likely to be complicated by the fact that Rafael has refugee status in Europe and would likely lose it if he were to return to play for his country.
Nazif Chowdhury, another CMC official, said inmates are cared for just as any other medical patients would be, but the care can be complicated by untreated medical and mental health problems often brought to the facility.
Mr. BLUMENTHAL: You have to look at the fact that the six-party talks are back on next week--over North Korea are back on next week, and obviously, people want that to be successful and not to be complicated by anything.
At a security conference in Munich, Germany, the weekend before Mubarak stepped down, Clinton sought to emphasize the "orderly" aspects of the transition, warning that free and fair elections leading to true democracy in Egypt would take time, care and sophisticated planning that could be complicated by a hasty exit by Mubarak, given the country's lack of a political culture.
Diagnosis can be further complicated by another condition, called Locked-In Syndrome.
But it feels that the issue of just how much people should pay for their banking services is too complicated to be addressed by a simple change along the lines of its ruling on credit card fees.
The report concluded the measures, put in place by Labour nine years ago, were "over-complicated" and should be replaced by a single civil order.
To be sure, matters are complicated by the steady stream of new information from court cases and evidence to the Leveson inquiry, but irritation levels are clearly reaching critical and the committee seems to be becoming more and more polarised.
Scott Edwards, professor of organismal and evolutionary biology at Harvard University, suggested the more complicated picture in animals might be caused by the influence of another variable.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Big genome can up extinction risk
The thinking here is that private, more complicated trades can't be digested by the marketplace, and as such traders and investors of all kinds lose out on crucial market information.
Tracking food-borne disease is also complicated by the number of illnesses thought to be caused by unknown pathogens.
But, as with other bits of public-sector reform, voters may not be greatly enthused by the difference between a dull and complicated change proposed by the government, and an equally fiddly but more radical one being advocated by the opposition.
Precisely when a state law should be deemed impliedly preempted by federal law is an often-complicated legal issue that raises sensitive federalism issues.
Matters are further complicated by other sets of government rules that must be followed by those wishing to operate in the formal economy.
Wiseman said it had to pass on the increased costs it had been facing but said "given the widely acknowledged challenges facing retailers, caused by the overall economic environment, this has proved to be a complicated and difficult process".
Complicated rules allow housing costs exceeding a formula to be excluded from income if reimbursed by an employer, or deducted if not.
Such poaching can be an effective way for wealthy families to choose between the increasingly complicated options presented to them by the private banks.