To pave the way for greater liquidity and institutional ownership, LanOptics (nasdaq: LNOP - news - people ) may soon complete a final swap of equity for the remaining EZ shares. (LanOptics currently holds 60.4% of EZchip, its only asset.) It would also be a convenient time for the company todo a secondary offering.
Since you need to have the D415 open todo anything, the clear key would be more convenient on the slide out keypad where you will use it to erase mistakes.
There's an off-the-cuff quality to the storytelling here -- the movie rewrites its own laws of physics whenever it's convenienttodo so -- which by rights should be a bigger problem than it is.
Now that does show people are not apathetic, people do value the democracy and if they can be provided with a voting system that is convenient and attractive to them they will turn out and the bigger the vote we can make the less likely it is that extremist parties like the BNP can break through.