Apple fans, likewise, aren't going to be convinced by Microsoft's latest ads to switch either.
But the Ministry of Defence in London has yet to be convinced by the virtual Iraq programme.
Lord Hutton may or may not be convinced by this argument, echoed by all the government's witnesses.
One person who won't be convinced by ENHANCE: Eric Topol, the noted chief of translational medicine at Scripps Health in La Jolla, Calif.
Mr Sigg, who has travelled around much of China over the past quarter-century collecting its contemporary art, has yet to be convinced by all this talk of a boom in museums.
ECONOMIST: Two leading art fairs are showcasing new art from China
His fellow peers also failed to be convinced by the opposition's argument, and voted against Labour's bid to delete the lifting of the private income cap by 212 votes to 154, a government majority of 58.
The taxi driver was nearly hysterical, convinced I would be eaten by a tiger.
As explained on his winning talk at Tedx Paris University, he is convinced that change will be driven by students themselves.
FORBES: Unishared: Revolution in Online Education Beyond Coursera, Edx, and Udacity
Convinced that judges can be influenced by aggressive PR campaigns, Mr. Levick points to rulings in the detainee cases which openly cite news stories that resulted from his team's media outreach.
The meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy was a testament to their efforts to provide a plan that convinced investors the euro can be saved by reform.
I'm pretty much convinced that we will never be able, by monetary or fiscal policy or government actions, short of disabling the economy, (to undermine) those bubbles.
My caller - who appeared by the way to be completely convinced that he was offering a legitimate product - told me that his firm had lots of satisfied customers.
As demonstrated here, the U.S. would enjoy a balanced budget in just eight years if politicians could be convinced to limit spending so that it increased by 1 percent each year.
FORBES: American Politicians Should Copy Canada's Leftist Government of the 1990s and Cap Spending
"We are not convinced by reassurances that adequate cover can be provided by resources from Belfast and Stornoway, " he said.
Buller is convinced any pickup in the economy will be felt by warehouse and distribution-center landlords a year or two more quickly than it will be by landlords downtown.
Because Ken is convinced that U.S. bond yields will be capped by lower bond yields in Japan, Germany and France, he concludes that U.S. stocks still have a good run in front of them.
Earlier, he said ethnic Albanian rebels must be convinced that the reform process they say they want can be achieved by democratic means.
If companies could be convinced--or required--to share their troubles caused by new threats, the results could lead to similarly surprising conclusions, Kaminksy hopes.
He may not have then predicted the way in which cod liver oil - rich in an essential fatty acid called omega-3 - would be seized from the shelves of health shops and supermarkets by a later generation of parents convinced it would help their child excel at school.
If the IRS is convinced by oral or written statements or other supporting evidence and a reasonable approximation can be made, you may be entitled to the expense despite your lack of documentation.
An EIS union spokesman said it was not convinced that the bill addressed existing governance problems and said the regionalisation programme seemed to be driven by "economic reasoning rather than a clear education rationale".
Michael Egan made a mid-nine-figure fortune building Alamo Rent-A-Car into an industry powerhouse, and though he isn't much of a gear-head, his decades in the travel business convinced him that we haven't even begun to see the changes that will be wrought by information technologies.
His mathematical reasoning now in high gear, no doubt nudged along by very motivated reasoning elsewhere in his brain, Gould soon convinced himself he would be a long-term survivor, a conclusion that would prove to be accurate.
FORBES: Do Oncologists Lie to Their Patients About Their Prognoses?