• If there is a cost-overrun on the West Coast line, investment in the East Coast line will be cut, as the profits won't be there to pay for it.

    BBC: Railtrack's risky business

  • Spending, though unlikely to be cut further, is to be kept in line with inflation, forecast to be 1.5% next year.

    ECONOMIST: France��s curious new smile

  • When the iPad 2 was released last year, a skirmish broke out outside a Beijing Apple Store after a man believed to be a scalper was escorted away by security after trying to cut in line.

    CNN: Finally, Apple owns the name 'iPad'

  • In the private sector, a decision is made about how much of the expense line needs to be cut and managers are forced to make the tough decisions.

    FORBES: Sequestration Sequel

  • But moving forward on the governing front, the Republican line now seems to be that they want to bring it back up specifically in the payroll tax cut negotiations.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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