If there is a cost-overrun on the West Coast line, investment in the East Coast line will be cut, as the profits won't be there to pay for it.
BBC: Railtrack's risky business
Spending, though unlikely to be cut further, is to be kept in line with inflation, forecast to be 1.5% next year.
ECONOMIST: France��s curious new smile
When the iPad 2 was released last year, a skirmish broke out outside a Beijing Apple Store after a man believed to be a scalper was escorted away by security after trying to cut in line.
CNN: Finally, Apple owns the name 'iPad'
In the private sector, a decision is made about how much of the expense line needs to be cut and managers are forced to make the tough decisions.
FORBES: Sequestration Sequel
But moving forward on the governing front, the Republican line now seems to be that they want to bring it back up specifically in the payroll tax cut negotiations.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing