McLean, of the Dunblane Hotel, knows Murray's work will be cut out for him Sunday.
In that sense, the powers that be have their work cut out for them, with the heavy responsibility of determining what diagnosis to slap on a unique constellation of symptoms that are often only conveyed through words, not pictures or lab tests.
It was cut out though, and now the Department of Energy may be holding out for more money so it can award both loan guarantees at once.
Originally SLB asked for them to be pulled up out of the hole for examination but instead they were cut free to fall to the bottomof the wellbore.
FORBES: Shortsellers Party Hearty After Their Cheerleader Says McMoRan Is Worth Zero
That parent is under no obligation to give the other parent access to the child, and it is not unusual for one parent to be cut out of their children's lives forever.
In other words, would-be Xbox 360 hackers have definitely got their work cut out for 'em.
Various parts of the legislation, such as a cut in payroll taxes, will probably now be separated out for consideration.
If the tax cut is to have any economic impact this year, many analysts believe it is more likely to be a result of the rebate checks sent out for the larger cut in the lower bracket.
Sometimes the equipment suppliers could support their alleged outflow of goods with invoices from wholesalers suggesting a corresponding intake, but these have turned out to be falsified too, usually in exchange for a cut of the profits from the fraud.
If 7% interest is unsustainable for a sovereign debtor then tell me how 19% is sustainable for people whose incomes have been cut or who might be out of work?
Accomplished though they may be, prime time's newest masters of the universe will have their work cut out for them.
"It's not going to be easy with a six-vote margin...we have our work cut out for us, " in passing a Republican agenda in Congress, he said.
This would give a person the option to cut out the middleman when buying a primary residence, and could be a great option for primary living interest rates in America.
In theory, in the worst cases, the parts of the banks that are thought to be most important to keeping the rest of the financial system functioning smoothly, for instance their deposit books and payment systems, will be quickly cut out and transplanted into a healthy bank or kept on life support.
Yet the eventual compromise on child care hammered out this week also shows that it will be harder for Ms Merkel to cut as good a figure at home as abroad.
What may unnerve ministers most is that Tesco has come out against the government's welfare rule which states that benefits can be cut for people whose work experience placements do not proceed well.
Were the Bolshoi to be cut out of that global exchange on any level, it would be a setback not just for one of the world's great ballet companies, but for ballet as a whole.
Mr Cable also used his conference speech to set out proposals for an increase in tax on "high alcohol" drinks to be offset by a cut in the VAT on fruit juices from 17.5% to 5%.