In the game, the Indian-born billionaire is featured as a robot that has to be defeated.
Al Qaida is on the run in Iraq, and this enemy will be defeated.
"It sends a message that we are not going to be defeated that easily, " she said.
Mr Blair is splendid when he is faced with an enemy to be defeated.
Whether Obama can be defeated depends in part on the Republican performance in Congress this year.
This will require recognizing that al Qaeda cannot be defeated by military means alone.
With this kind of spread and influence, can the sectarian militants be defeated at all?
Although the enemy has a strong ideology, there is no reason why they cannot be defeated.
This war is going to take many turns, and the enemy must be defeated on every battlefield.
Thanks to this programme anti-Semitism can be defeated and the prisoners can learn a lot about Jews.
The PM has always known that he is likely to be defeated in the Commons on this issue.
Even the most famous players from the richest nations or clubs can be defeated by 11 inspired opponents.
And if the locals do not trust the security forces above the rebels, the rebels will never be defeated.
The gut infection Clostridium difficile can be defeated by a cocktail of rival good bacteria, experiments in mice show.
"If this man became president, the revolution would probably be defeated, " Ashour said.
CNN: Row over Egypt's new constitution reflects wider tensions
But the Europeans are right that the Taliban and al-Qaeda cannot be defeated only, or even mainly, by firepower.
Mr. BESS: They see life as a struggle between good and evil, and evil must be defeated at all costs.
Can criminals with their international trafficking in drugs and weapons--and the money involved--be defeated if countries refuse to work together?
Marchers held placards with slogans such as "No to the bankruptcy of Cyprus" and chanted "United we cannot be defeated".
Mr Sarkozy won the presidential election of 2007 comfortably, only to be defeated last year by Socialist candidate Francois Hollande.
Only by destroying the organization's leadership and disrupting the continued resonance of its radical message can al Qaeda be defeated.
Ingenuity is too compact, powerful and portable to be defeated by inept public policy that's implemented only here or there.
By the end of 2014, when the last Americans are due to stop fighting, the Taliban will not be defeated.
For some reasons that treaty supporters acknowledge and some they do not the Chemical Weapons Convention must be defeated.
But it would also be rebellion on a much more substantive issue, in the knowledge that the government would be defeated.
But fighting the water or trying to set rigid goals will exhaust us, and in the end we will be defeated.
FORBES: No Weiner Jokes: Lessons from a Truly Unfunny Situation
There is a sense here that this is the key battle if spending cuts and wage increases are to be defeated.
On 2 April 1982, Argentina invaded the Falklands, only to be defeated by a British task force sent to recover them.
For some reasons that treaty supporters acknowledge -- and some they do not -- the Chemical Weapons Convention must be defeated.
After declaring the ceasefire over, senior officials, including the army chief, General Sarath Fonseka, said the Tigers would be defeated this year.