We love to think that the key to tomorrow lies in what humanity can be designed or empowered to do.
Tell us how you would like this resource to be designed, what you want it to do and how you think it should work.
They are designed to be used with our lesson plan and do not attempt to offer a full summary of all 30 articles (we've removed some that were difficult to simplify or required prior knowledge).
"The guy said he had this botnet which was nothing special and was not specifically designed to do these attacks but could be used to do them, " said Mr Corrons.
At some technical level, he said, those distinctions do indeed matter and have to be designed properly and managed appropriately to deliver the desired outcomes under the required conditions.
But he suggested that before changing any guidelines, more research needs to be done to determine the effectiveness of testing people for hs-CRP levels, something this study was not designed to do.
CNN: Study: Cholesterol drugs could help those with healthy levels
Medicaid's supporters worry that congressional budget writers will craft a budget that includes cuts, but that those cuts will be badly designed, will hurt the weakest most and will do nothing to deal with Medicaid's long-term mess.
Office 365 Home Premium is designed to help people be more productive from virtually anywhere and find the flexibility to do the things they want.
But these companies do have software designed to spot suspicious transactions, which must be reported to the feds.
It's much more of an offensive operation designed to secure the population, and to do that you have to be among the population to do it correctly.
That is when the votes will take place - unusually there will be an amendment designed to kill the bill at second reading, which is not something the Lords normally do, and is essentially a gesture, and unlikely to be agreed.
BBC: Viewing guide: The coming week's highlights in Parliament
We do also have to look at some programs, because they may not be well designed, as well designed as they could be.
And while they do mean that the laws have an end point, they are designed to be a scheduled time for Congress to reevaluate the law, potentially renew or change it, or get rid of it if it is deemed obsolete.
Do: Use Tweet in the name of your application only if it is designed to be used exclusively with the Twitter platform.
Instead of being handed a hit or miss pill, your doctor will do a test and then prescribe a drug that will work, because it will be specifically designed to suit your particular genes.