Get ready for a New Normal, they say, where investment returns will be disappointing.
So, we have what we have - which will be disappointing to some, but re-assuring to others.
Though earnings will be disappointing, lower interest rates will help stock valuations.
Intel warned first-quarter results would be disappointing because Asian demand is down.
The upcoming 4Q12 results are expected to be disappointing which must make Board members wonder if there is no other path to success.
The City is awaiting Mark and Spencers' Christmas trading statement which is expected to be disappointing, compounding the problems of the stuggling retailer.
But as we said in this earlier story about ways to play the obesity epidemic, diet pills can be disappointing if not dangerous.
"The trading environment remains difficult and our biggest challenge continues to be disappointing trading at our core Pizza Express restaurants particularly within London, " the group said.
It will be disappointing playing second division cricket next season but there is a toughness and belief to this team that certainly wasn't here three years ago.
The cutoff may still be disappointing for anyone who invested in a full set of gamepads for LittleBigPlanet sessions and has to once more start from scratch.
When sales of the early parts of Martin Chuzzlewit, for example, proved to be disappointing, Dickens shifted the action to America to make the serial more appealing.
"I am well aware that the conclusions I have reached in my judgment will be disappointing to the claimant and that its contents may cause him some distress, " she said.
This may be disappointing news for hardcore and traditional gamers, because it probably means there will be no next-generation Xbox or PlayStation for the next five years, while the companies focus on the motion-control systems.
FORBES: Probably No Next-Gen Xbox Or PlayStation For Next Five Years
Amid a week of good poll news for Huckabee, this survey will be disappointing as it shows his brand of social conservatism does not appear to be catching on with the traditionally fiscal conservative New Hampshire Republicans.
"It would be disappointing and disturbing if our ability to provide assistance to victims of natural disasters and our troops in Bosnia and Iraq were held hostage to partisan politics in the House, " White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles said in a statement.
CNN: Disaster Relief, Military Spending Bill Moves Forward In Senate
The results were surprising, and may be disappointing for people who believe mothers and fathers should share equally in the caregiving for their children, said Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, co-author of the study and associate professor of human development and family science at Ohio State University.
FORBES: Dad's Off The Hook? Study Says Fathers Should Be A Little Less Involved In Parenting
"I know this decision will be disappointing to Mr O'Hagan's widow, family, friends and colleagues but the evidence that can be given by an assisting offender must be carefully evaluated and the test for prosecution applied on a case by case basis, " Mr McGrory said.
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said it would be "disappointing" if lawyers chose to disrupt court schedules.
Carlesimo said it would be "disappointing" if Carter were to leave the organization.
"It would be very disappointing for me not to play, " Ferrer said.
"It will be deeply disappointing to Northern Ireland's business community that the decision on corporation tax has been effectively binned by Downing Street, " he said.
At first glance, a draw against a side who had won their last four games - scoring 13 goals in the process - would not appear to be too disappointing a result.
Financial Treasury Secretary Mark Hoban conceded the decision to axe the benefits would be "disappointing" to some but insisted the coalition was making the "right choices" by prioritising money on health and education.
Mr. LEACHMAN: It's going to be very disappointing if this administration emphasizes a need for the energy here but turns its head to the importance of one of the rarest mammals in North America.
But a loss of 1, 400 seats would imply a lead over the Tories in terms of a national equivalent vote share of only some 4%, which would be very disappointing compared with Labour's 31% national opinion-poll lead.
Rangers threw striker David Healy on for the final five minutes but could not create any more openings in front of goal in what was to be a disappointing final European outing for Smith, who will leave Ibrox at the end of the season.
When you have more than 100 pounds to lose, dieting can be frustrating and disappointing.
The firings don't appear to be connected with disappointing results on the athletic field.
This can be confusing or disappointing to women in their workplace relationships with women of higher rank.