Ruth Thomas, an expert on ancient Egypt, said the town could now be discredited by the Museums Association.
BBC: Northampton ?2m Egyptian statue sale 'expulsion' threat
But these technocratic policies are hardly going to be discredited in Britain by a change of American president.
Some of the region's worst characters would be discredited in the eyes of the world, including among their own kin.
That may be what some members of the old school of Thai politics want, hoping that the election commission will be discredited.
Does that mean every theory that flies in the face of accepted convention should be discredited simply because it is a radial way of thinking?
Senior judges heard that PSNI officers forced their way into the home of the new witness and warned him he would be discredited if he went to court.
Obamacare must be repealed, and the process by which it was passed must be repudiated and discredited.
First, bad ideas must be so widely discredited that professors become too embarrassed to espouse them openly or associate with colleagues who do.
It would be a shame if they were discredited because he claimed too much too soon.
If anything represents the uneasy muddle that is Indonesian politics these days, it may well be Golkar, the party of discredited ex-president Suharto.
Hanging on to already discredited senior management might not be worth it.
Yet although there is certainly a feeling in Iraq that the country is rudderless at present, the political process itself has not been discredited and probably will not be.
You also made much of the thoroughly discredited claim that organic farming requires more land to be brought into cultivation.
"So-called 'sceptics' should now drop their thoroughly discredited claims that the increase in global average temperature could be attributed to the impact of growing cities, " he said.
This would take over responsibility for prosecuting and for the police from the discredited attorney-general's office, which would be abolished, and the Interior Ministry (which runs some police units).
Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust, said closing prisons and reducing prison numbers "offers major social and economic gains" but warned it "would be a gigantic mistake if the justice secretary were to revive the discredited idea of titans and pour taxpayers' money down the prison building drain" instead of investing in crime prevention, healthcare and community solutions to crime.
You have a doctor who longs to be part of that world, and of course has this amazing discovery and is then discredited.