This will be divided by the lawyers according to their proportions of the overall fee award.
ECONOMIST: Lawyers and their fees: Knights in golden armour | The
Given the example's six-month holding period, the spread should be divided by 0.5.
There have also been fears that the types of subjects and qualifications taken by pupils can be divided by social background - such as modern languages becoming increasingly dominated by pupils in independent schools.
For there are four times more of them than there are of Americans, so the same value added (this is what GDP measures, the value added in an economy) must be divided by four to give average living standards.
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At this time, with the tears and tragedy of Madrid in our minds, let us unite, put aside our differences, refuse to be divided by terrorism and express our strength and confidence in our own way of life which we will defend to the end.
The number of shares will be the specified salary divided by the per-share valuation used in determining the venture capitalists' stake.
But don't expect that to be enough for Olympic success: the victors in Sydney may be divided from the rest by nothing more muscular than the economy in which they live.
There is no way that a Republican plan -- purely Republican plan or a purely Democratic plan -- is going to get through a divided Congress and be signed by the President.
The RESTORE Act, which Landrieu sponsored and Congress approved last year, dictates that 80 percent of the Clean Water Act penalties paid by BP be divided among Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Texas.
Thus, gross profit margins (gross profit divided by sales) and net profit margins (net income divided by sales) should both be analyzed.
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Of the development's 718 units, 529 would be for very-low-income tenants, and the rest would be divided between working-class people subsidized by tax credits and market-rate rentals.
The best hope entertained by a divided opposition may be that the Conservatives will fall short of a majority of seats.
Under the government's definition of mixed-sex accommodation, patients should be kept in bays divided at the very least by fixed full-height partitions.
Situated in what used to be East Berlin, when the city was divided by the wall, the building stretches over 1250sq m (13, 455sq ft) and houses a theatre, cinema, restaurant, as well as a maze of galleries and workshop areas.
Even if the Democrats in the Senate get their way, however, they will be just as constrained by America's newly divided government as the Republicans.
ECONOMIST: Bickering and stalemate loom for America��s new Congress
Ultimately, we may be on a course for divided theaters not by class, as was the Globe, but by habit, like separate train cars designated for smoking, eating and sleeping, depending on one's preference.
Extreme global poverty could be eradicated by the end of the next decade under optimistic new targets unveiled by the World Bank that have divided development experts.
To overcome this, there have been suggestions in the past that the DSM should be divided into two: a scientific version, for use by researchers and psychiatrists, and a pragmatic version, for everyone else.
The latency cannot be less than the distance the electromagnetic signal has to travel divided by the speed of light.
ECONOMIST: The faster the internet becomes, the slower it loads pages
With so much to be gained by working together, why are Central Asian countries so divided?
Although the protein produced by each gene is unique, most proteins can be divided into a series of recognisable modules known as domains.
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So it is a balanced compromise, reflective of a divided government, in a situation where action had to be taken by Congress, and therefore some sort of consensus had to emerge -- bipartisan consensus or compromise had to emerge from Congress.
However, students might also enroll in courses provided by different organizations, in which case the funds would be divided.
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Although the commission suggests that a fraction (it is divided on how small) should be regional members, elected or selected by some form of proportional representation, most are to be appointees, selected for their greatness and goodness by a committee of the great and good.
Commercial fisheries are hampered by current regulations and could be further harmed if the ocean is divided up among too many groups, said Jim Ruhle, president of Commercial Fishermen of America, an industry group.
Tepco's service region will be divided into five areas and each will have rolling blackouts for three hours a day by rotation, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy said.
The questions of how and when an agency may exempt itself from the Privacy Act are not only central to this case, but also have divided the federal courts of appeals into two camps, a circuit split that could be resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court should Shearson petition successfully for her case to be heard.
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GPs will be advised to use the body mass index, where the person's weight in kilograms is divided by his height squared in metres, to get a reading.
Others have been enraged by the suggestion of the new Serbian Prime Minister, Vojislav Kostunica, that Kosovo should be divided into cantons along ethnic lines.
It should be noted that if a winning lottery ticket is shared by more than one person Form 5754 needs to be filled out to show how the winnings are divided.