They will also be engaged in the selection and creation of the new clusters, said Titov.
In order for antitrust laws to apply, a business must be engaged in interstate commerce.
Secondly, you can fully expect the Vice President to be engaged in this process.
And that debate will be engaged in the fall if the Republican nominee feels so strongly about it.
Brazil of the 21st century will continue to be engaged in the promotion of harmony in its region.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama, President Rousseff Meet in Brasilia
Anonymous and the group calling itself Backtrace Security seem to be engaged in a campaign of mutually-assured anonymity destruction.
FORBES: Anonymous And Ex-Anonymous Hackers Wage A War Of Identification
Can a person really be engaged in a conversation if there are e-mails in the corner of their eye?
The top officers of the Pope organizations can seem to be engaged in a perpetual game of musical chairs.
Mr. Bush also addressed whether Iraq's neighbors, Syria and Iran, should be engaged in helping end the fighting in Iraq.
Successful leaders, in particular, must be engaged in thoughtful public dialogue regarding the key issues and challenges facing their organizations.
"When we are using the Net, we will simply be engaged in commerce because e-commerce will then be normal, " he says.
The project started in 2008 and aims at developing a graduate-level education programme for professionals to be engaged in sustainable development in Africa.
For example, Root-Berenstein notes that Nobel Prize winning scientists are far more likely to be engaged in the arts as adults than non-Nobel laureates.
The Shahabuddins, the very last of Pipar's 100-odd families who used to be engaged in dyeing and printing, are working to keep it alive.
Inc. and Softbank Corp. continue to be engaged in constructive negotiations, and we have made substantive and encouraging progress toward an agreement regarding Alipay.
FORBES: Yahoo, Alibaba, Softbank Still Talking On Status Of Alipay
Other than JetBlue 's much publicized ice storm fiasco in February, customers seem to be engaged in a general rage against the industry machine.
Unfortunately, I am referring not just to the war in Afghanistan that we continue to be engaged in, for the time being at least.
Lobbying firms in Washington are said to be engaged in frenetic activity on behalf of private insurers, encouraging congressmen and senators to resist radical reform.
ECONOMIST: Barack Obama tries to sell health-care reform to doctors
Companies must have gone public or been acquired after June 1995 to be considered, and they must be engaged in information technology or life sciences.
The Bush administration appears to be engaged in a lively internal debate over what to do with the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. challenged us to be responsible for one another, be engaged in our communities, and empower each other to create change.
We'll obviously be engaged in conversations at a variety of levels.
They are also less likely to be engaged in accounting shenanigans.
After extensive research, they found that an exit event during the previous year significantly increased the probability an individual would be engaged in subsequent entrepreneurial activity.
FORBES: New Report on Entrepreneurship Reveals 5 Key Insights
But the US, with its current bi-partisan drive towards a corporate state, may soon be engaged in a race to the bottom with these other countries.
Particularly versus the latter, Microsoft knew it would be engaged in a war for the living room and the future of digital entertainment distribution including, but beyond, games.
Given the economic challenges facing the country, we believe House Republicans should instead be engaged in efforts to create jobs and grow the economy, rather than political theater.
Customarily be engaged in an independent trade performing the services.
FORBES: Criminal Penalties For Misclassifying Independent Contractors?
Many individuals in the society we live in today have come to rely maybe a little to much in these technologies, therefore always having to be engaged in them.
And he suggested that initiatives such as Sure Start should be engaged in "outreach" work to give advice about improving home safety, such as fitting smoke alarms and stair-gates.