Mr Wallace was confident that a London audience would be enthusiastic about the show.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Rings musical heads for West End
Expect the Street to be enthusiastic about the relatively modest anticipated rise in 2012 operating expenses.
But a bit more boldness would have made it easier to be enthusiastic about Britain's prospects if he is installed.
But Fatah has several good reasons to be enthusiastic about the deal.
It may be easier for Democrats to rally behind Whitehouse, whatever his views may be, than for Republicans to be enthusiastic about Chafee.
Video playback was fine but it's hard to be enthusiastic about watching anything other than very-brief clips on the S-series' tiny 2.4-inch QVGA display.
ENGADGET: Video hands-on: Sony's Walkman S-series is no Mickey Mouse audio player
"We find a reasonable number of German companies to be enthusiastic about, " said Stan Pearson, head of European equity at U.K. fund manager Standard Life.
On the other hand, Camp noted that results from another question in the Sageworks survey indicated privately held businesses may not be enthusiastic about major spending.
Tutors and pupils may be enthusiastic about the scheme, but teachers' unions have criticised it, saying schools should focus their resources on empowering classroom teachers to raise standards.
Prospective employees also need to be enthusiastic about your vision.
He sure did have a lot to be enthusiastic about.
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Students appear to be enthusiastic about their healthy meals.
The American public, showing real signs of war weariness after two ground wars over more than a decade, is unlikely to be enthusiastic about a military confrontation with Iran that is likely to be far more costly and indeterminate than either Iraq or Afghanistan.
Why should people be as enthusiastic about Chinese investment in the U.S. in energy as you are?
Another requirement is that prospective employees be very enthusiastic about the program.
Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable has appeared to be more enthusiastic about a graduate tax than his Conservative universities minister, David Willetts.
Italians may be less enthusiastic about some of the letter's other demands, notably for freer trade (Italy has often been a loser in globalisation).
Mr Hughes is known to be less enthusiastic about the joint venture than former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown or his successor Charles Kennedy.
And as the mother of two daughters, it thrills me that they see me not only work but be genuinely enthusiastic about what I do.
FORBES: Study Shows That Numbers Of Working Moms Have Increased: Is That A Good Thing?
"I've got no doubt there will be a lot of people who will be very enthusiastic about the goldfields again, it gives people hope, " said Mr Kent.
Finally, the report concluded that clients between the ages of 40 and 64 have the highest propensity to use fee-based accounts, and less experienced advisors tended to be more enthusiastic about fee-based accounts.
Everything that can possibly be done for a play, in short, has been done for "The Big Knife, " and the results are so potent that I wish I could be more enthusiastic about the script itself.
WSJ: The Sellout | The Big Knife | The Assembled Parties | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout
Given their dependence on tobacco revenues, it is unlikely that finance ministers and state treasurers around the world would be so enthusiastic about increasing taxes if they really thought it would lead to smokers quitting en masse.
When asked six months ago by the Pew Research Center, baby boomers even proved to be less enthusiastic about staying in an unhappy union than the adult children they passed their values on to -- by a 66% to 54% margin.
CNN: Baby boomer breakups and the search for a perfect union
It is hard to see why they should be any more enthusiastic about Democratic poverty programmes than their white suburban neighbours.
" Says Robert Mayer , director of the center for gastrointestinal oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: "I think it's hard to be anything but enthusiastic about the results.
Mind you, a music industry executive told me last week that he and his colleagues would not be at all enthusiastic about a UK version of the service from the company they regard as one of the prime facilitators of piracy.
It is hard to be enthusiastic, therefore, about Indonesia's economic prospects.