Dan Nichols said that would be equivalent to the size of a Fed-Ex delivery truck.
Apart from differences in taxation, these two options should be equivalent to the shareholder.
This would be equivalent to a 30% sales tax rate, as normally calculated (exclusive method).
This is said to be equivalent to about one-tenth of the total used by restaurants.
This would be equivalent to loosing 5 percent of the prison staff, including 1, 300 correctional officers.
The 1.97% increase would be equivalent to 42p a week on a Band C property for Cornwall's householders.
However, Chilean President Sebastian Pinera has said that civil unions would not under any circumstances be equivalent to marriage.
The effect was also found to be equivalent to a tenth of the impact of being employed, as opposed to unemployed.
BBC: Green spaces boosts wellbeing of urban dwellers - study
Decreasing purchases would be equivalent to increasing rates, something the Fed is unlikely to do in the face of economic weakness.
As long as owners drive at least 12, 000km a year, overall running costs will be equivalent to, or lower than, a petrol or diesel-powered car.
The number of people over 65 will be equivalent to 60% of the working-age population in Europe in 2050, compared with only 40% in America.
ECONOMIST: Demography and the West: Half a billion Americans? | The
An electrical field removes any ions present, so the rate of seed growth should be equivalent to that in nature with no cosmic rays around.
But with familiarity comes dependence: when smart cards are in everyone's wallets, could a picked pocket or a misplaced handbag be equivalent to losing one's identity?
Perhaps, but I doubt it will affect sales all that much, and will likely be equivalent to or cheaper than future competitors from Sony and Microsoft.
According to the authors, consuming a can of a caffeinated alcoholic beverage may be equivalent to drinking a bottle of wine and a few cups of coffee.
FORBES: New Study Says Teens And Energy Drinks Are A Bad Combo
Tilikum has spent more than a quarter of a century swimming in circles, in a space that critics say would be equivalent to keeping a human being in a bathtub.
She said she was supportive of the field tests, because she felt it would help New York make the case that the new test would be equivalent to the previous GED test.
WSJ: Test Maker Pays New York State Students to Take a Trial Exam
Eventually you get up to Poo Planet, and I suppose, Poo Universe, which must be equivalent to being stranded on a deserted island with Liz Taylor, Michael Jackson and Hannibal Lecter all at once.
The sense of outrage that attends terrorist attacks should not, however, be assumed to be equivalent to a sense of powerlessness: public outrage is one of the most potent weapons in the limited armoury of counter-terrorism.
If less than 1% of MTV's potential viewers around the world switched to three energy-efficient light bulbs, it would be equivalent to taking 100, 000 cars off the road, Roedy adds, the well-rehearsed statistics rolling off his tongue.
Economists such as Mitchell Polinsky, of Stanford Law School, and Steven Shavell, of Harvard Law School, argue that to deter harmful conduct, punitive damages should be equivalent to the amount of harm caused, multiplied by the inverse of the probability of detection.
It's also because although Germany could probably afford a 50% writedown of what it's owed, given the strength of its economy and public finances (the writedown, excluding the Target2 credit, would be equivalent to just over 1% of its GDP), the same probably can't be said of Spain, Italy or even France (where the writedown costs would also be around 1% of GDP).
In India, it is impossible to get Parliament enacted Insitution to be created equivalent to grameen bank and even if through decades of hard work we create one such institution, India needs around 50 of them .. we could be looking at a few centuries of labour.
FORBES: Microfinance Or Loan Sharks? Grameen Bank And SKS Fight It Out
The color, shape and some inactive ingredients in the pills might be different, but generics must contain the same key ingredient and prove to be equivalent in order to receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
One would expect that the combination of a statin with Tredaptive would have to be at least equivalent to a statin alone and, if better, it would be a home run for Merck.
Then he elaborated for ten minutes while we listened, glanced, made notes, riffled the textbook to find refuge in print, some semblance of meaning that might be roughly equivalent to what he was saying.
"The pain had to be extreme, equivalent to serious physical injury or organ failure, " the memo goes on to say.
The estimated costs of producing a pound of these nanoparticles could be roughly equivalent to the price of a pound of potatoes, according to J.
My favorite of the debunkers is Jack McDonald on his King of War blog, who shows that the area to be reconnoitered is equivalent to the size of the State of South Carolina.
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