An average of five such courts were to be established in each district of the country.
An independent recovery board is expected to be established in Monmouthshire to oversee improvements in education.
Automakers believe currency exchange rates should be established in the floating market, not by government intervention.
Women who earn more are likely to be established in their careers and thus older.
It will be the first time the response team will be established in Jersey.
Regional development agencies will be established in England, decentralising decision-taking to the English regions.
An Angus airfield is marking 100 years after becoming the first military airbase to be established in the United Kingdom.
The majority of charging stations will be established in Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco and Washington, D.
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According to this proposal, such mechanisms could be established in Asia, the Western Hemisphere, and Eastern Europe, and be regionally funded.
CNN: This monetary body would limit Crisis spillover effects
Sistema Scotland has said similar campaigns are under way for Big Noise orchestras to be established in Aberdeen, Fife and Dundee.
The two radios are the first new community stations to be established in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.
He also said new barracks would be built at Kirknewton in West Lothian and a new training area would be established in the Borders.
Matiullah Asim, a teacher in the district's Hajji Jan Nisar village, says new classes are likely to be established in neighboring villages in the spring.
Inslee also indicated his confidence that a cap-and-trade system--or a regime where permits to pollute are given away or auctioned, then traded by corporations, governments, and so on--would be established in the next two years.
Dominic Bradley of the SDLP said that the proposed telecommunications network would bypass Newry and that businesses and communities were dissatisfied that a "point of presence", or a direct link to the interconnector, would not be established in the area.
Perhaps the most remarkable detail about the March 3 conclave was the leading role taken in it by Debbie Almontaser, a New York resident who last attracted attention as the front-person for a middle-and-high magnet school to be established in New York, the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA).
With Gen Petraeus taking over at Centcom, some Nato partners wobbling about keeping troops in Afghanistan and the US presidential election like to produce a new focus on the conflict there, one thing we can expect is for a clearer command structure to be established in 2009 with the Americans more obviously in charge.
"It's very hard to be so established in the art world that you can do no wrong, " he says.
All that is alleged-and all that has to be established-in a 421 petition is that imports from China are increasing in such a manner as to be a cause of market disruption (or threat thereof) to the domestic industry.
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By the time the new driver arrives the Spaniard will be so well established in the company that he will be -- in everyone's minds -- the number one driver.
Still, levels of trust tend to be established fairly early in life, Sapienza says.
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Furthermore, industry alliances and working groups can be strengthened or established in order to develop and promote best practices among investors, multinational buyers, and other actors in the smallholder finance ecosystem.
In its place, a new independent panel will be established to consider forestry policy in England, comprised of representatives from key environment organisations and the forestry industry, and will report back in the autumn.
And North, who is due in July, would certainly be following in an established tradition.
In other words, the overall impression is quite good, but Tesla has some areas to improve before it'll truly be challenging the established players in the luxury car field.
It seems unlikely that both conditions could be met in an established and transparent democracy such as the United States without sparking a huge public outcry which would produce a domestic prosecution.
The power of online learning communities is more visible in lean-running start-ups where skills must shift quickly, but I think their effect will be more profound in established companies on a global scale.
FORBES: 5 Ways Social Learning Communities Transform Culture and Leadership
For this purpose, a program office should be established at once comparable in scope, authority and priority to that the Navy has used for most of the past five decades to manage its Fleet Ballistic Missile program.
At the national academies of art that began to be established throughout western Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, students were trained to scrutinize posed models through the filter of antique sculpture and such approved old masters as Raphael.
WSJ: Appealing to Modern Eyes | The Path of Nature | Metropolitan Museum of Art | By Karen Wilkin
As U.S. attention waned, there was a feeling in Washington that a military presence needed to be established to discourage the Soviet Union from meddling in Europe, especially in the western part of the continent.