The Mexican constitution states that foreigners may be expelled for any reason and without due process.
"Other Syrian diplomats, two other diplomats, will be expelled at the same time, " he added.
To his admirers, that is treason, and the Socialists should be expelled from government.
It is far from clear whether Mr Bo will be expelled from the Politburo, let alone be prosecuted.
U.S. and Iraqi officials are negotiating Baghdad's demand that Blackwater be expelled from the country within six months.
Rio Military Police commander, Erir Ribeiro Costa Filho, said all officers involved would be expelled from the force.
Cuomo, who called on Lopez to resign or be expelled, said Assembly Democrats should decide who to lead them.
On March 31, 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella proclaimed that all Jews were to be expelled from Spain.
Immigrants may be expelled from Mexico for any reason and without due process.
Brooks' arrest came the same day he became the first lawmaker in Nevada history to be expelled from the Legislature.
Both demanded that all Jews be expelled from Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem ahead of the establishment of a Jew-free Palestinian state.
Yugoslavia are waiting to hear if they are to be expelled from the European Championship as a Belgian court decides their fate.
The Mexican constitution states that foreigners - not just illegal immigrants - may be expelled for any reason and without due process.
She was joined by other Plaid Cymru AMs as she made history as the first AM to be expelled from the assembly.
It seems unlikely that the unionists will get the guarantee that they have sought that without decommissioning Sinn Fein will be expelled from the government.
Three years later, a grateful Hussein obliged a nervous Shah when the latter asked that Ayatollah Khomeini, then an obscure exile in Iraq, be expelled.
He ordered that Romania's ambassador be expelled, recalled the Moldovan envoy from Bucharest, and said Romanians would in future need visas to cross into Moldova.
It was left up to the school to discipline the students, who were briefly suspended from classes, despite the principal's recommendation that they be expelled, Walter said.
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Since the reactors would not be pressurized, radioactivity would not be expelled as widely into the environment as in an accident like the Fukushima disaster, Wilson said.
Mr Balls said one or two short suspensions could help a child get back on track but accepted that a child who is repeatedly suspended should be expelled.
Outraged, the summiteers suspended Nigeria and threatened that if, by Edinburgh, it had not released named political prisoners and bowed to the Harare principles, it would be expelled.
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If he is found to have indeed made the reported comments, he should be expelled from the Labour Party, as such views should have no space in responsible political discourse.
If they miss four sessions, they can be expelled.
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Mr Maginnis left his leader some room for manoeuvre by not demanding that Sinn Fein be expelled from the review or that Ms Mowlam suspend the early release of republican prisoners from jail.
The relatives had appealed to the Supreme Court against a ruling made on Monday by an Israeli military court, which ordered that they should be expelled from the West Bank to Gaza on Tuesday afternoon.
Greece may be expelled from the euro zone if it fails to reach the agreement on forming the coalition government by the end of the day Sunday, Nov. 6, a Greek Skai radio station said citing official sources.
Because of Israeli and American power, Arabs may have to acquiesce in Israel's existence, but they will continue to see Israel as an alien society that will someday be expelled, just as the crusading Christians were many centuries ago.
The last person to be expelled from this house was 55 years ago - in 1954 - and it remains the case that members can be sentenced to prison for up to a year without being required to give up their parliamentary seat.