Congress watchers like Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense said they all agreed to that promise that's because these spending bills are not loaded with earmarks, they'll be far less likely to be held up by the likes of Senator Tom Coburn.
With much less to gain in damage awards, lawyers acting for cities or private plaintiffs are likely to be far less persistent in pursuing gun makers if, as looks certain, they fight back with determination.
Without Mr Bondi, the banks' legal troubles are likely to be far less acute.
Because of their level of detail, these numbers are far less likely to be subject to statistical perturbation and skew.
Larger institutions are far less likely to be able to provide the personal care, attention and advising that smaller colleges offer.
CCDs are much more efficient at imaging very faint objects and are far less likely to be foiled by Earth-based light.
The politicians who wax enthusiastic about Europe's fledgling central bank today are likely to be far less enamoured when that reality hits home.
So the impact of the 250-300 lost slots is likely to be far less immediate once those open positions get frozen in order to offset the sequester losses.
FORBES: Will Sequester End Drug Approvals? Not Unless White House Wants it to
"Victims now are far less likely to be a bashed-up pensioner and more likely to be a young professional who has had a phone grabbed out of their hand or pocket, " he said.
But would you consider that the far more significant effect is likely to be much less complicated.
Sure, it'll be far less than if you were hooked up to Spotify and Netflix all day, but it will likely be more than if most of your applications were installed locally.
ENGADGET: Firefox OS is repeating the mistakes of others and hoping for a different outcome
Similarly, postal workers in another country are going to be less worried about being held accountable for not returning a letter from far away, as they are probably less likely to face complaints and have someone calling up their boss and demanding to know where their letter is.
FORBES: Is The U.S. Postal Service The World's Most Efficient?
But the third who did were far less likely to undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation or be put on a ventilator or end up in an intensive-care unit.
John Mauldin, an investment consultant, calculated in a recent column that total portfolio returns over the next ten years were likely to be around 5%, far less than the 8-9% projected by most funds.
And one other semi-soothing fact, from other studies: in spite of the tragic fate of the Eappen baby, children are far less likely to die at the hands of carers than to be killed by their own relatives.
In 2010, full-time workers were far more likely to be covered by health insurance (85 percent), than those who worked less than full time (72 percent).
FORBES: How Health Insurance Premiums Drag Down the Freelance Economy
With all parties declaring that they are in favour of an early parliamentary election, it looks likely that the country will soon be going to the polls, though it is far less clear that this will succeed in resolving the political instability that has bedevilled Poland since 2003.
Things might be a penny cheaper, but the business is likely much less flexible, more vulnerable to market shifts, and far more locked-in to doing what it always did!