It turns out most net job creation comes from startup companies and such companies can be founded and thrive without taxpayer dollars.
"Now is the time when the Time Warners and Disneys of China are going to be founded, " says William Brent, head of a Shanghai media consulting company, China Entertainment Network.
The idea came from US economist Paul Romer, who proposes that the creation of charter cities -- semi-autonomous cities in rural sections of developing countries that would have some foreign supervision and, most importantly, would be founded upon a new set of rules -- can lift countries out of poverty.
The Code of Cannon Law states that, for a child to be baptised, "there must be a founded hope that the infant will be brought up in the Catholic religion".
The exuberance of recent months might turn out to be well founded, if the fourth quarter of 2012 turns out to be the low-point of Europe's recession, and falling borrowing costs start to produce a virtuous cycle from higher confidence to improving growth.
It is of course true that some of those doubts may prove to be well founded.
This trend isn't going away, and there are undoubtedly dozens if not hundreds of little-known or yet-to-be-founded startups that will go from zero to publicly traded juggernaut in remarkably shorts periods of time.
So, those fears that someone is out to get him, could be well-founded.
This may indicate that persistent whispers about RIMM having some trouble with the approval processes of the two largest U.S. carriers could be well-founded.
FORBES: RIMM: Will Wide Bold 9900 Launch Save The August Quarter?
This is not to say that some of the Democratic complaints may not be perfectly well-founded and justified.
Our Mission and Our Business As I said above, Facebook was not originally founded to be a company.
The 291 gallery, as it came to be called, was founded more as a laboratory of art and ideas than a commercial concern.
ECONOMIST: The photographer who brought European art to New York
Rochelle Peachey, a woman who makes her money by convincing people they should not be single (aka she founded an online dating site), was once busted when her phone started ringing in the middle of a fake conversation.
FORBES: Is There Anything More Pathetic Than A Table For One?
Tomoko Namba, founder of DeNA, did not know how big the online auction startup she founded in 1999 would be.
Among those new markets will be China, where the company founded by Steve Jobs will arrive by December 7.
FORBES: Solid iPhone 5 Sales In December Will Take Apple To $800
As the first generation of African American millionaires begins to die, many of the companies they founded will have to be sold to pay the estate taxes.
King, at Merriman Curhan Ford, gave the company a buy rating--predicated on the beaten-down share price and the idea that Soon-Shiong will be absent from the company he founded.
FORBES: Patrick Soon-Shiong and one of cancer's biggest riddles.
If Microsoft can do that before the final verdict is delivered, the findings of fact could be expunged - and a slew of possible lawsuits from competitors, founded on the legal recognition of Microsoft as a monopoly, could be avoided.
"The city of Timbuktu is founded upon Islam and will be judged only through Islamic law (Shariah)" reads a billboard there.
The car picking will be led by Mark Spizzirri, who founded Family Classic Cars in 2001, and his business partner and former Heisman trophy winner John Cappelletti, who joined the shop in 2006.
The company founded by Bill Gates will be more than 2 years late to the red hot tablet market, which, according to reports, is beginning to cannibalize PC sales, and will be facing increased competition from later-generation products.
FORBES: Microsoft Won't Have Tablet-Tailored Windows Until 2012
No one has put a date on when Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs will be returning to the company he co-founded.
They are heading for around 15% under Krista Sager, a tough Realpolitikerin about as far as could be from the flower-power children who founded the Greens in the late 1970s.
Founded in 2010, Xiaomi seems to be leading the race among upstart Chinese cellphone providers.
Good, then meet Alexa from ARRI, a German company founded in 1917 that just happens to be the world's largest motion picture equipment manufacturer.
To protect what would now be called his intellectual property, Worth in 1868 founded the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture to promote and market Parisian tailoring.
That's why we built the coalition with the Lib Dems - A Partnership with Scotland - founded, as every honest coalition must be, on a common approach.