Any real-time account of what happened that night is likely to be fraught with mis-remembering and error.
And while any expedition to Toys-R-Us can be fraught with peril, this one was an especially harrowing trip.
The badgers will be shot in the open rather than trapped, and objectors are concerned that will be fraught with problems.
However, seven-time Tour winner Lance Armstrong, who is expected to ride for his new team Radio Shack, warned that the opening stages could be fraught with problems.
That the competent performance of this essential function may be fraught with political complications is supposed to be a challenge for our politicians, not our intelligence agents.
However, publishing the whole document might be fraught with difficulties.
Still the path to tomorrow may be fraught with obstacles.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Peres of Israel Speak at State Dinner | The White House
Buying an American company and hiring American employees can be fraught with legal problems if the Chinese investor is not clearly aware of the allowances given for American workers.
FORBES: Seven Dos And Don'ts For Chinese Investors In The U.S.
Your task may be new, the journey ahead may be fraught with difficulty, but everything you need to build your future already beats in the heart of your nation.
And even when you've got a police officer who has a fine track record on racial sensitivity, interactions between police officers and the African-American community can sometimes be fraught with misunderstanding.
Sometimes the co-ownership model can be fraught with tension.
FORBES: ObamaCare Snuffs Out A Publicly-Traded Hospital Company
Even if the particular crowdfunding investment is legitimate, the entire process will still be fraught with risk since unsophisticated business people will likely use crowdfunding to raise money for their new enterprises.
FORBES: Crowdfunding: Potential Legal Disaster Waiting To Happen
ISPs will be encouraged to offer filtering options to customers that can be switched on, but this decision reduces the potential for state mandated censorship in the United Kingdom in an area which would be fraught with judgement calls and likely to generate many false positives.
FORBES: UK Government Turns Back From Blocking Online Content
Mrs Nicklinson has admitted it is likely to be a long campaign, fraught with legal technicalities, but said the family was determined to continue.
But after allowing the fullest weight to these pleas, it still remains undeniable that the disavowal or the discountenancing of our diplomatic representatives in remote places (whether they be naval men or civilians) is a practice fraught with danger of the gravest nature, and should only be done in the rarest cases and on the clearest grounds.
An equally big stumbling block to patching up relations with others will be the fraught question of who will run a post-Saddam Iraq.
Huge chunks of my life were once fraught with what I perceived to be career-terminating threats, most of them interior but no less real for that.
FORBES: Consider Negotiation a Challenge to Get a Better Deal
Starting up and running a business is fraught with enough uncertainty that it need not be further burdened by ever-changing city, county, state and federal fees, taxes and regulations.
This has to be one of the lowest-tech gadgets in the hospital, fraught with opportunities for mechanical and operational problems.
This would be particularly true given the verification uncertainties with which such a ban is fraught.
If they go ahead (negotiations with the government are proving fraught), they will be run by a not-for-profit arm, since for-profit ventures are banned from Britain's academies programme.
Even so, it is a strategy fraught with risk, for every time the Republicans have seemed to be milking the scandal politically, it has backfired on them.
If the road to financial backing is a thrilling and emotional one for entrepreneurs, for investors, especially Angel investors, who regularly part with their own money, rather than an impersonal fund, it can also be especially fraught.
FORBES: Love And Marriage...And The Courting Ritual Of Financing Startups
Enterprise Ireland is making a huge bet on an industry fraught with risk and high failure rates but there is little doubt the government believes the rewards could be significant if the start-up ecosystem can become a vibrant, self-sustaining sector and, in the process, produce successful entrepreneurs that go on to start and finance more companies.
The entire installation was fraught with problems and from start to finish took almost a week including multiple appointments for the installation to be successfully completed.