• There are ways to get refills without waiting or paying, as players receive full energy upon a level up and energy potions can be acquired in a variety of other ways within the confines of the game.

    FORBES: Guardian Cross Is Monster Collecting, Card Battling Fun

  • In time, a full spectrum of energy options will be easy for people to use in their everyday lives.

    FORBES: John Berger

  • Both came to Washington full of rhetorical energy about the changes to be wrought in the social and economic structure of the nation.

    CNN: By Ronald D. Elving, CQ Staff Writer

  • Energy policy, the quest for full energy independence, must be weighed against the growing threat of climate change.

    CNN: America, the Saudi Arabia of tomorrow

  • While renewable energy is where the future of U.S. energy lies, according to Obama, it is still some time before green energy producers will be able to meet the full demands of the nation.

    FORBES: America's Energy Future May Lie In Canada's Oil Sands

  • Also, last I checked, over 50 is not as old as it used to be and middle age to senior status does not preclude one from being hungry and full of energy and ambition.

    FORBES: Empowering an Old Guard of Entrepreneurs

  • Regardless, ocean-based energy advocates seem to be learning the lessons of their renewable energy predecessors, identifying and addressing environmental impact concerns long before full-scale deployment.

    FORBES: Wave Energy: The Latest Battleground in the Conservation vs. Innovation Debate

  • So once the weight is made, Kayes will be keeping a watchful eye on his charge to ensure Hatton is in the ring 28 hours later "bursting full of energy" with the right food in his system.


  • But unless something is done to defeat the disease, years from now people who are today young and strong will be fighting it, and -- when the disease strikes their favorite actors, athletes and singers who are in 2012 so full of youth and energy, and who will inevitably grow old -- they, too, will be reminded of the passing years, and of life's memories lost and found.

    CNN: Bobby Vee's bravest song

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