The real world equivalent might be going to a Nintendo-enthusiasts club rather than just a generic bar.
The nuns noticed, called in a priest and convinced her mother that Maureen would be going to a "lovely school".
Schools Minister Nick Gibb said too many pupils would be going to a secondary school that was not their top choice.
The solution may be going to a rookie pay scale, something Commissioner Roger Goodell has hinted bringing up in the next collective bargaining agreement in 2010.
We're going to be going to a memorial service and try to help comfort the families and let them know that we're praying for them and thinking about them.
It's performing perfectly, no problems with it, and we do have buildings all over the world, pretty much, and it sounds like we may be going to a lot of other places.
"I told you from Game 1 that this wasn't going to be a breeze, it wasn't going to be a walk in the park, them guys were going to fight and they're showing some fight right now, " Anthony said.
Mr. DIPHILIPPO: They said it was going to be going up to a rate of 8.5 percent.
Mr. CHURKIN: By the end of 72 hours, we hope that there is going to be a deal, that there is going to be a big draft resolution for full-fledged cessation of hostilities, charting the course towards the political process which will bring about peaceful resolution of this crisis.
It's going to be a tough winter for all concerned, and I think it's going to be a massive squad effort to win this Ashes.
There is a day in everybody's life when they realize that they're not going to be a professional basketball player and they're not going to be a professional cartoonist.
But it certainly seems to be - is going to be a hefty U.S. commitment to Iraq for a long time.
"This was never going to be a bill that was going to make people happy, because no solution to a problem can be more elegant than the problem itself, " said Frank.
Lieutenant Colonel ALEX FENLEY (Special Forces Command): When you come into the Special Forces community, you know you're going to be deployed for a longer period of time, the demands are going to be a little bit different and maybe more arduous.
It is going to be hard, it is going to be a shock, but the U.S. needs to jump off the fiscal cliff.
FORBES: 5 Reasons Why The U.S. Should Jump Off The Fiscal Cliff
And if the phone is going to literally be nothing more than a portal to the web, then it's going to be a tough sell for those that have to subsist on a very strict data diet.
ENGADGET: Firefox OS is repeating the mistakes of others and hoping for a different outcome
There's going to be a harmful effect on many local businesses and it's going to be painful for a lot of folks.
WHITEHOUSE: A First-Hand Look at the Federal Response to the BP Oil Spill
In any year the biggest meteor is going to be small, in a thousand years the biggest meteor is going to be a thousand times bigger.
If bribes are going to be needed in a post-Armageddon world, they're probably not going to be offered with a credit card.
If you do the right thing, and you explain it clearly and you do it openly, I'm confident that the American people -- you can have an adult conversation and say, this is not going to be easy, this is not going to be painless, we're going to be struggling for a while, but our future is bright.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
If you're going to be successful, you're going to be good, a team has to be a team, has to be together for a while.
And the one thing that no one really talks about that I just think is going to be a really big difference is that the Patriots for the first time in two and a half months are going to be playing a game where weather is not a factor.
It is expected that over the next few years, a lot of capital is going to be needed to refinance debts and a lot of properties that are either going to be foreclosed or voluntarily put on the market.
But I would say is there's some really tough decisions to be made and it's going to be a white paper that faces up to those tough decisions, so in that respect I expect the autumn will be about tough talking, sharing the ideas, and arguing our corner.
And because said referendum is going to be in 2012, when Greece is going to be in a position where it could credibly simply walk away from the deal, could survive a hard default, the deal is going to have to be made much, much, better if the Troika wants to win.
"Once you like it, a muscle-car person is going to be addicted to a rear-wheel drive platform, " he says.
And to see the Americans are going to get electoral fatigue because it's going to be more - almost a year since we know the names of who's going to be - or who wants to be a president of the U.S. So we will see if that some kind of reaction to the final vote in November.
And all these young people, as young as they are, they're all going to be going to college, and a lot of them are going to want to continue to pursue their research and pursue their dreams.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the 2013 White House Science Fair
So all of that means when you or I go to shop for a mortgage, it's going to be either harder to find a loan, or we're going to have to pay up more to get one.
Whether Feingold decides to take another shot at the Senate or the Democrats decide to go with a generational change, this is going to be a rare opportunity to see a clash of ideologies in a race where Madison, Wisconsin promises to look a great deal more like Madison Square Garden.