But there are always things in life to be grateful for, no matter where you are.
They taught us to be humble and to be grateful for everything we had.
If I were running your budget, you would be grateful for whatever you received.
Given the immediacy of China's reported plans, we would be grateful for a prompt reply.
We will be grateful for any help, in the name of the Almighty do not remain indifferent.
Namibia and Georgia might be grateful for some extra cheering from the sideline.
Ghanaians will likely turn the other cheek, secure enough to take it and even be grateful for the spotlight.
Indeed, we should be grateful for all -- celebrities or not --who have driven social change by publicly outing themselves.
O'Leary will be grateful for their return as Villa face a tough trip to his former club Arsenal this weekend.
Care about your duty, be grateful for the opportunity and set-forth a foundation based on trust, teamwork, integrity and transparency.
The default option for everyone should be to join their employer's pension and just be grateful for their contributions towards your retirement.
No matter how hard it may be with some things right now, there is always something to be grateful for in your life.
It made me sad, but I didn't say so because the evening was so beautiful and that was something to be grateful for.
Employees on the other hand should be thankful for the privilege of having gainful employment, and be grateful for any bonus compensation received.
In the short term, companies would be grateful for any equity capital they could raise from retail investors, so they could bolster their balance-sheets.
Rea already has knowledge of some of the circuits on the calendar but says he will be grateful for the team's input at others.
These days Honda has a particular reason to be grateful for the link: It has suffered a 77% earnings plunge in a brutal auto market.
Answer them directly and they will not only be grateful for your answer, but also pleased that your business took the time to reach out.
Stop comparing yourself, and be grateful for whatever you actually have.
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We should be grateful for her straightforward and courageous statement.
Employers too have reason to be grateful for the boost to their labour force from the extra women, not least because talented people are in short supply the world over.
As I pause to take stock of all the things I have to be grateful for, it certainly includes family, friends, health, and many other things we sometimes take for granted.
"There is so much to be grateful for, " he said, singling out the police and emergency-responders, the doctors and the race volunteers who tore through the barricades to get to the wounded.
Telling workers and young people in America that they should just be grateful for what they have and not demand anything more because someone is starving in the third world misses the point entirely.
And be grateful for the direction I took.
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