"I just wouldn't be happy with it at all if it was June, " he said.
And it may be that that's your genre, and then just be happy with it and celebrate it.
Any restaurant using the mid-air messaging system is unlikely to be happy with it being co-opted by patrons complaining about poor service.
It seems many jobseekers are under the impression that having mass visibility will not only get them a job, but that they will also automatically be happy with it.
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust said if there was any complaint about the hospital treatment, it would be happy to discuss it with Mrs Owen.
"Although the change in activity is modest, that's something that is appropriate and I think most women would be more than happy with it, " says study co-author Sheryl A. Kingsberg, Ph.
If they value my opinion then I'll be happy to share it with them.
Asked if he minded that everyone was talking about everyone else and their stats and contracts, instead of his, Rodriguez claimed to be pleased with it, and to be happy for the game at large.
To be sure, Samsung may be appealing the verdict for many years to come, and it can hardly be happy with a decision the jury spent merely three days to reach.
Most countries would still be happy with such a figure, but it has become an article of faith in China that output needs to grow by at least 8% a year to create enough jobs for the millions of rural Chinese moving to cities.
"I'll be speaking with the owner of the Rajasthan Royals and captain Shane Warne and discussing the security arrangements but if they are happy that it's going to be safe then I think I'll be happy with that, " he said.
If I'm not happy with it, I'll be jumping to HDNet Movies for one of my favorites: " I Dreamed of Africa" with Kim Basinger and Vincent Perez.
If the numbers prove to be wrong, so be it, as long as the global rating agencies and key vote banks go away happy with this year's budget.
But with many of Glencore's customers happy with the way it operates, there may be no problem here, either.
If you lose on penalties in front of your own crowd the memory will stay with you - and it won't be a happy one.
"They have found a solution, we are happy with it and we are very confident that security will be very, very good, " he added.
The conclusions of those surveyed in the CNN poll cannot be welcome news for the McCain-Palin campaign, but Republicans have to be happy with Palin's performance, which was gaffe-free even as it was short on substance.
CNN: Analysis: Palin gets back on track, but Biden wins debate
With many companies still making the transition to Windows 7 and many consumers happy enough with the current Microsoft operating system, it may be difficult for Windows 8 to make a big splash, even with the overhauled UI.
FORBES: Microsoft To Unveil Windows 8 'Release Preview' Early June
And while employers should be happy and relieved to gain this new level of transparency, it also comes with some added responsibility.
FORBES: Why 401(k) Fee Disclosure is a Big Win for Small Business Owners
One can have a long, happy marriage without losing touch with reality, but it helps to be a bit starry eyed when it comes to you mate.
If unchecked it breeds a resentment that could express itself in the privacy of the ballot booth with a vote for the grumpy old maverick who looks as if he would be happy to down vodka shots with you, even if his doctors did not allow it.
Seniors happy with the current Medicare system should be able to keep their coverage just the way it is.
The tougher it is the more exciting for me it's going to be, so I'm quite happy with that.
She knew it would be short but she was so happy to savor that time with her family and friends.
"I didn't have my best game with me this week, but I'm happy with how I'm playing and hopefully it won't be long before I'm winning again, " he said.
CNN: Mahan wins WGC Match Play title to deny McIlroy No. 1 spot
But I'm happy with the way that it's gone, I just need to be a bit more consistent.
For euro-sceptics, including those in the Conservative part of the UK's coalition government, it's an outcome with which they'd be more than happy.
Why assume everyone with a pension is so thick they're happy for it to be invested completely in equities, right up to the magic retirement day?
But this time it would be the Egypt fans returning home happy, their country coming away with the bragging rights after the Algerians had qualified for South Africa at their expense two months ago.