The Directory can be helpful to investors by providing them with industry-wide and firm specific data.
Accordingly, I thought it would be helpful to provide a simple checklist tailored to first-time entrepreneurs.
Upon meeting Meg Whitman, Fishback says he immediately knew she would be helpful to the company.
"DeLay thinks it would not be helpful to have Watts retire, " said an aide.
It may well be helpful to enforce tighter discipline, but its impact lies in the future.
Our data can be helpful to starting an evaluation of nonprofits not on the list.
"This change will be helpful to the Spanish government, " says Irit Kohn, a veteran Israeli lawyer.
Dr. NIMAR: It would be helpful to try to reach out to the mainstream Muslim community.
It would be helpful to recognize that criticizing U.S. government is not a signature of radicalization.
It can also be helpful to change the space in which we do our reflecting.
It can be helpful to ask a fellow partygoer what's going on inside her company.
The steps he took are inspirational and could be helpful to other aspiring entrepreneurial executives as well.
FORBES: From Mail Room to Boardroom: A Star Executive's Strategy to Rise to the Top
She makes an interesting biological case for why sharing the news might be helpful to laboring moms.
FORBES: Texting Below The Belt: Why Social Networking And Birthing Shouldn't Mix
It can also be helpful to those who want to take some profits on existing long positions.
So, to put that in better context, it might be helpful to hear AMD talk about its competitors.
ENGADGET: AMD shows off a reference device with a quad-core, x86-based Temash chip
And then you can make a decision, is this something that would be helpful to you or not.
WHITEHOUSE: Helping Small Businesses Grow and Create New Jobs
As a general broad brush guideline, it can be helpful to compare where we are to the general public.
It enables you to have a ready network of contacts that could be helpful to your business later on.
FORBES: Time To Change Jobs? Balancing A Job and A Side Business, Part 3
Bubbles, when they burst, are ruinous to direct investors but can be helpful to other parts of the economy.
This will be helpful to our understanding of the situation on the ground, allow us to facilitate humanitarian assistance.
Also, if you could write an article about this topic it would be helpful to a great deal of people.
It may be helpful to have your daughter checked out by her pediatrician to rule out a medical cause for the odor.
The Fed might be forced to raise interest rates faster than it would like, or than would be helpful to a still-recovering economy.
Because child care, student loan relief, it could be helpful to people, but how does that lead a small business to hire somebody?
The great majority of people know how to behave, want to do their jobs well, and are predisposed to be helpful to their colleagues.
Advice helpful for one would not be helpful to the other.
FORBES: Want Bad Advice? Ask A Journalist How To Find A Therapist (2 of 2)
And a tool like this to identify Entrepreneurial instincts is what would be helpful to a company that is looking to build an IP program.
In order to help make a more relevant and useful promotion, it would be helpful to see which of the people you follow also follow this business.
FORBES: Systrom: Instagram Has No Plan To Turn Photos Into Ads
While it might be helpful to have Chinese cooperation in after-the-fact investigations of alleged auditing failures, regular inspections try to head off those failures in the first place.
WSJ: Business Asia: There's No Accounting for China's Accounting