"I am humbled to be honored with it, but I think overall it is a team event, " he said.
We had the good fortune in 2012 to be honored with 21 awards recognizing our client campaigns, our professionals, and the firm itself.
Hers is not the sort of achievement that will be honored with a statuette Sunday at the 84th Academy Awards ceremony, but rest assured she knows the score.
"To me, the focus here is whether Dimitar Peshev should be honored with a ceremonial street naming, not about the rhetoric that the Bulgarian Embassy may have used or the rhetoric of the Holocaust museum, " said D.
Fifty-eight years after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks became the first African-American woman to be honored with a full length statue in National Statuary Hall.
But given the incredible work that she and Jill Biden have done in advocating for our veterans, I could not be more honored to be with them.
Well, it looks like it's the season for pioneering inventors to be honored, with Chuck Thacker's recent Turing Award win now followed up by Roger L. Easton's induction into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
ENGADGET: GPS pioneer Roger L. Easton inducted into National Inventors Hall of Fame
Well, listen, I am extraordinarily honored to be with all of you today, and I want to thank General Pittard, I want to thank Command Sergeant Major Dave Davenport, who have shown such extraordinary leadership here.
"Honored to be in the race with him, " said U.S. teammate Nick Symmonds.
Look, let me just tell you that I am more than honored and thrilled to be with you all here at Broward College, our wonderful host.
Ms. MACDONALD: Well, first of all, let me say I was honored to be a co-signer with Linda of a provision that Ward Connerly proposed that would prevent recent immigrants from receiving racial preferences, so I join with Linda in that endeavor.
Yesterday, an EA employee on the Origin forums announced that any games purchased with the coupon code would be honored.
FORBES: EA Honors Games Purchased With Origin Store Coupon Glitch
The VariDrive will be on show at 2013 CES and has been honored with an Innovations Award in the category of Computer Peripherals.
Thus, if you believe that the Bush tax cuts were the right thing to do, then you should also acknowledge that there was a plan that came with it and that plan should be honored.
FORBES: Does Anyone Still Remember Why We Have The Bush Tax Cuts?
I've never met him -- I've kept up with him through his parents -- but I'd be honored to meet him someday.
Officials said the timing of this meeting was designed to coincide with an awards ceremony in New York at which Kostunica will be honored.
We're honored to continue our long-standing partnership with ORNL today and to be part of the future of Big Data and exascale computing tomorrow.
ENGADGET: Titan supercomputer to be loaded with 'world's fastest' storage system
On June 17, she discussed a softer plan with French President Nicolas Sarkozy: a gentleman's agreement under which Greek bonds would be honored but the bondholders would volunteer to buy new ones.
WSJ: European Disunion: Dithering at the Top Turned EU Crisis to Global Threat
If a flutist can receive a full music scholarship from a college that can even include a living stipend and also play professionally at Carnegie Hall and be honored for vigorously pursuing her talents, why are college athletes bound to a one-sided contractual relationship with their universities, in the name of amateurism?
FORBES: The Cam Newton Saga: Slumdog QB Goes For Happy Ending
Perhaps with more attention from gaming news sites and other sources, Code Hunters can be more respected and honored for their innovation and leadership in CG as well.
By the fall, Archipelago aims to become a full-fledged, all-bits exchange where the time-honored trading floor, with hundreds of humans gesturing furiously and making markets and shaping prices, will be a relic.