To manage this budget, all other employees will be scheduled inaccordwith business needs and in a manner that will not negatively impact our health care budget.
Interrogation techniques, approaches, and treatments described in the Manual shall be implemented strictly inaccordwith the principles, processes, conditions, and limitations the Manual prescribes.
Ipsos Mori reckons 84% of its respondents either agree or tend to agree with stricter work-capability tests for disabled people, and 78% are inaccordwith the idea that benefits should be docked if people turn down work that pays the same or less than they get in benefits.
Some U.S. retailers are uncomfortable with the accord because they could be liable in U.S. courts if they fail to adhere to the provisions, according to one person familiar with the matter.
Mr. Obama has also ordered that al Qaeda leaders are to be protected from "outrages on personal dignity" and "humiliating and degrading treatment" inaccordwith the Geneva Conventions.