"Bin Laden didn't want the Taliban to be in bed with the U.S., " he says.
Right now, no politician wants to be seen in bed with the Beast of Bentonville.
"The reality is this market is moving at a million miles an hour and it's impossible to predict who will be getting in bed with whom, " says Joe Sweeney, a Hong Kong-based analyst for Gartner Group.
"We wanted our retailers to be in the same bed with us, " she says.
He also sent a picture of himself, via Instagram, lying in what appeared to be a hospital bed with the caption "gettin' better".
Some patients tell me that they are so connected that even before brushing their teeth or making coffee, they will roll over to check their phone- when a more appropriate choice may be to spend a few extra minutes in bed with their loved ones.
But the first rule of CSR (and of consulting in any other area) is to be true to your own social purpose, and that means only getting in bed with the right partners.
"I don't lie in bed thinking about what I could be doing with it, " she said.
They discovered a mummified body, believed to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pyjamas, covered with a blanket.
The problem is that not everyone uses social media - it tends to be concentrated in major cities - and there is no guarantee people laid up in bed with a high fever will feel like broadcasting their symptoms to the world unless they are caught up in a media panic like the one around the H1N1 virus.
Ms Block struggles to explain how she can be satisfied with her husband, yet still want another person in her life - and her bed.
Passing the flapjacks with gregarious strangers at a bed-and-breakfast would be like starting the day in purgatory for me.