In Utah it's been legal for a dozen years for teachers to be armed in class.
They really don't want to be in a class where everyone around them is from their home country.
"It's much better to focus on the things you are struggling with than be in a class of 20, " she says.
Unless this crisis is addressed head on, pupils will be in bigger class sizes or face being taught by people without teaching qualifications.
It is way behind drugs like Pradaxa (already approved) and Xarelto (probably coming soon) but Merck argues it has the potential to be best in class.
In practice, this means some start soon after their fourth birthday and could be in a class with children almost a year older than them - the September-born children.
"You know five, six years ago, with cell phones, we were simply worried about conversations going on when kids should be listening in class, phones ringing and disturbing the teacher while they were trying to teach, but we weren't worried about pictures, we weren't worried about text messages, " he says.
Jim Parmalee, an analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston, says the companies products will be "best in class" because they will be able to transmit light for 4000 kilometers without being regenerated electronically, which will mean a dramatic reduction in both operating and capital costs for managers of optical networks.
If the proposed Class Action receives certification, there will be 41 people in the Class, and therefore there would be about 123 too many texts messages sent.
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The reason they want to do that is because in 1987, the US Supreme Court ruled that creationism could not be taught in science class.
That may be true, but with obesity in America reaching epidemic proportions, more "average"-sized people can expect to be squeezed in coach class in the coming years.
Mr Lightman welcomed this suggestion - as having the same course content would mean that A-levels and AS-levels in the same subject could be taught in the same class, boosting the uptake of AS-levels.
Despite this competition, Pfizer believes that ertugliflozin may prove to be the best in class.
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This is a game that should be replayed in every class that is taught on the art of winning.
So if they can make that link, then they get a slam dunk and intelligent design will not be taught in science class.
"This has got the potential to be the best in class protease inhibitor for HIV and AIDS, " says Palmer, the chief scientific officer.
India's top batsman, Sachin Tendulkar, is considered by no less a judge than the greatest of all batsmen, Sir Don Bradman, to be in the same class as himself.
We want to be the best in class.
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And this housing crisis struck right at the heart of what it means to be middle class in America: our homes -- the place where we invest our nest egg, place where we raise our family, the place where we plant roots in a community, the place where we build memories.
A. in philosophy who was the son of the butler to Lord Herries, and Albert Wagner, the "t" not sounded, a shy, smiling man from the Province of Lyons in France whose seniority in the Society of Jesus would cause him to be the first in their second-year class to be ordained a priest.
That will not only be good for women in working class America, it will be good for the women, and the men we share our lives with the world over.
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Your President knows that. (Applause.) And he did it because, as he put it, he believes that here in America there should be no second-class citizens in our workplaces.
On June 27, the class of 2015 reports aboard and will be the most diverse class in history.
Since no one can predict what the best-performing asset class will be in the future, diversification increases the odds of being in the right asset class at the right time.
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In fact, the World Bank was cited in a National Geographic article earlier this year forecasting that for the first time ever, more people in the world will be classified as middle class than poor in 2022.
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Prof Agee and colleagues argue that NWA 7034 now be put in its own class.
We need to make sure our products continue to be relevant and best in class.
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How can a somewhat dowdy mid-tier department store chain be put in the same class as Nordstrom and Apple?
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The money may be invested in any asset class, sector or market worldwide.
FORBES: Anatomy of (Yet Another) Hedge Fund Fraud (June 1, 2001)