For the first time, Mr Bush showed himself to be in command of such issues (the focus groups said they thought he looked presidential).
Abou Zeid - whose death is still to be confirmed by DNA evidence - is said to be second-in-command of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which is fighting foreign forces in Mali.
On top of this, in particular cases it would it would be hard to prove the chain of command leading to Colonel Karuna personally in an organisation as secretive as the Tigers.
Gen Robert Cone, the deputy commander of US troops in Iraq, told the BBC that the greatest assistance would be needed in the areas of logistics, command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.
The ship, the USS Mount Whitney, is the Navy's only Joint Command Ship and is considered to be the most sophisticated ship ever commissioned in terms of communication, control, command, computers and intelligence capabilities, according to the Navy's Web site.
CNN: U.S. may pull nuclear deal to punish Russia, source says
Consequently, I know him to be a man who is scrupulous in his command of the facts, exacting in his analysis and lucidly articulate in his writing.
Anybody worried that the movie will objectify women should be reassured by the actresses hired to play his paramours, who are, for the most part, far more in command of their bodies and souls than Zahedi can ever hope to be.
Under the peace agreement, northern troops should have been withdrawn in July, to be replaced by a joint command of northern and southern troops.
He said it could be that there was an interruption in the "chain of command" within the body which leads to desiring sex.
In a private prosecution 12 years ago, a jury had been unable to agree whether Ch Supt David Duckenfield, in overall command at the match, should be convicted of manslaughter.
It would include a 100-strong neutral force, which would be in command, 100 troops from the Congolese army, and 100 members of the M23, Nyakairima said.
Colonel William Higgins was abducted in 1988 by a Hezbollah linked group known to be under the direct command of Mugniyah.
The U.S. Central Command also said Iraqi forces appeared to be regrouping in Tikrit, northwest of Baghdad, and reinforcing their positions.
The force will be under the command of British General John McColl, who has been in Kabul negotiating the terms under which it will operate.
He is also the gold standard for veterans: Precisely because Jeter isn't a showboater and always gives the appearance of being in command and control, would-be prima donnas keep themselves in check.
Along with an entrenched and historic reputation for academic freedom, US universities also continue to be some of the wealthiest in the world, and are able to command high tuition fees and often large donations from wealthy alumni, he says.
It must be his call and he must be confident that he will have the backing of his superiors in the chain of command.
Seven areas controlled by the American-led international force are to be transferred to Afghan command, including Lashkar Gah in Helmand, until recently a hotbed of Taliban activity.
Could you be handing this over in the next couple of days if you knew what the command structure was going to look like and how the Arab League nations would fit with NATO?
Brooks said Central Command believes some of these fighters have explosive vests that could be used in suicide bombings.
His fluency in the French language may stand him in good stead in the corridors of Brussels although his command of English is said to be less sure.
But again, I think this is going to be a matter of days in which you see a movement towards a transition with regard to command and control.
And my expectation is that he will be outstanding in implementing it, and we will not miss a beat because of the change in command in the Afghan theater.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & President Medvedev Joint Press Conference | The White House
Mr. ROONEY: One of the reasons we took this case is because we believe that it will lead to Marines hesitating on the battlefield because they won't have confidence in their chain of command, they won't have confidence that they'll be looked after if these allegations come up.
Basically, if you're not willing to take a few hours to really command this thing and understand the audio production in each of your games, you might be better off with the simpler options out there.
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It seems particularly perverse to be doing this only two months after the Senate unanimously confirmed the appointment to the command of American forces in Iraq of General David Petraeus, an impressive officer who believes that the surge is showing signs of working.
The real action now is in branded generics, which command a premium in many emerging markets due in part to the fear that unknown products might be fake or of dubious quality.
Perhaps because he would rather be out on the water than in a superfluous meeting, he has delegated more responsibility, and established clearer chains of command throughout Serono than did his father, who took a more paternalistic approach.