The container port may be in decline, but the city is luring cruise liners.
We don't have to be in decline.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Liz Cheney at the Freedom Flame: Educating Obama
After finishing 2001 without a Grand Slam for the first time in almost a decade, Sampras' career appeared to be in steep decline this year.
In the U.K.'s North Sea fields, for example, Apache Energy is using new recovery techniques to revive production in a basin thought to be in terminal decline.
In the U.K.'s North Sea fields, for example, Apache (nyse: APA - news - people ) Energy is using new recovery techniques to revive production in a basin thought to be in terminal decline.
One recent opinion survey indicated that the French now regard honesty as the most important value in everyday life, and consider the perceived decline in honesty to be almost as regrettable as the decline in politeness.
ECONOMIST: Eva Joly, France’s elite-hunting magistrate | The
Moreover, in order for prices to rise in one market there must be a corresponding decline in other markets.
FORBES: The Cruel Things President Obama Is Doing To The Labor Market
So there would be some decline in current profitability with the aim of improving long term.
FORBES: Apple's Basic Strategic Problem: Market Share Or Profit Margin?
The impact of a slow or no growth economy has to be a decline in the price earnings ratio of U.S. stocks.
FORBES: Bad News For 2012: Average P/E Likely Below 10, Big Drop In Stock Prices
This month, after years of stellar growth, Lilly lowered earnings estimates for this year and said that next year there may even be a decline in earnings.
In fact, this index included some lesser credit quality companies whose ratings might be suspect in a drastic decline of the European economy.
FORBES: JP Morgan's $370 Billion Hedge Fund Made Foolish Bets With Bank's Cash
The reforms may well boost growth in the future but, in the present, countries like Spain appear to be locked in a cycle of decline.
So, with few vacant homes and few new homes under construction we would expect this inventory decline to be chocked off by a decline in demand.
That is, given the availability of public transportation in New York, how much will the extra revenue per vehicle be offset by a decline in customers?
For the moment countries like Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain appear to be in a cycle of decline, locked into years of austerity.
Puzzlingly, even with that change StatCounter still would be showing a decline in Internet Explorer usage in the past year, contrary to Net Applications.
Federer then upset home favorite Murray in the semifinals, and former world No. 4 Greg Rusedski told CNN that his performances during last season had "defied logic" after appearing to be on the decline in 2011.
CNN: Changing of the tennis guard: Will 'big four' become two?
An overaggressive approach by banks to meet Basel III lending requirements early may be behind the decline in countries where lending to small and midsize companies has been slow to come back, according to Mr. Arzeni.
We now add climate change on top of this, and we know that in Sub-Saharan Africa, or in the Indian subcontinent, the projections are that climate change will have such an impact on the volume of food and the quality of that food, that there'll be 50% decline in those areas in agriculture.
In particular, import growth is likely to be held back by a decline in the value of petroleum imports.
FORBES: The Economy This Week: Hope For Improving U.S. Trade Data
Nokia witnessed a 40% sequential decline in shipments and may soon be passed by ailing RIM in shipments despite the BlackBerry maker's 20% sequential decline in shipments.
While the risk reduction is relatively small, 10 percent, COPD is a common and life-threatening condition in which a decline in lung function can be slowed down but not reversed.
However, in the long run we expect the rate of decline in volume to be around 2-3%.
Although the Indian Rupee has dipped sharply in recent months, its decline in value appears to be relatively minor when compared with falls of up to 35% per cent in Thailand and Indonesia.
Is it going to turn around what figures to be a fourth straight decline in overall attendance?
FORBES: Realignment Proposal May Be Good For Business, But It's Bad For Baseball
One of his biggest challenges will be to reverse the decline in Church attendance, something he believes is possible.
And so back to the question of whether the overall market will be hurt by the decline in share repurchases.
Among these crosscurrents, my thesis is simple: The question of whether America is in decline cannot be answered yes or no.
An interesting article which explores both sides of the debate of whether America really is in decline can be found here.
FORBES: FATCA: the End of American Exceptionalism or Merely the Next Chapter?
When the cohort born roughly in the years between 1993 and 2005 enters prime child-bearing years, there is going to be a pretty significant decline in the crude birth rate even if the total fertility rate (TFR) continues to move modestly higher.