In line with that, more than half of the total growth in oil demand will be in Asia, and two-thirds of the new electric power capacity.
The report merely repeats what it has said before - that "greater near-term flexibility in the path of fiscal adjustment should be considered in the light of lacklustre private demand".
In the case of Brazil, firms appear to be confusing rising demand with rising inflation and, in the face of a record low unemployment rate, and a limited amount of qualified labor, hoard and overpay workers despite falling output.
"This suggests that those without technical skills that are currently in demand could be frozen out of the workforce, " John Salt, director of Totaljobs, told the BBC.
The third potential positive implication of significant ESI drop could be felt through an increase in the demand for portability of plans.
FORBES: Employers Dropping Health Care Coverage Could Benefit Health Care Quality and Cost
He says the solar companies want to build capacity in front of changes in feed-in tariffs, since there tends to be a surge of solar installation demand ahead of subsidy changes.
FORBES: Applied Materials Q2 Beats; Solar Sales Strong; Q3 Outlook Misses
Given the combination of longstanding metals demand in industrialized countries and surging demand in developing countries, conservation policies will be needed as some metals approach the limits of available supply.
FORBES: Peak Copper: Worldwatch Institute Gets It Wrong Again
This painted a very grim picture of the state of the US economy and has led many to speculate that a fresh round of US stimulus may be in the works which on the basis of supply and demand could weaken the USD.
BorgWarner specializes in technology that improves fuel economy, vehicle emissions and stability--all of which happen to be in great demand right now, a demand fueled by tougher regulations.
Fans may also be surprised to learn that while millions of fans will be tuning in from home, demand for tickets on the secondary market has been falling fast.
The prices of goods and services should be determined by the actual forces of supply and demand in their market.
If we start seeing a recovery in such things as auto sales, one can expect much of the new demand to be meant in efficient, largely foreign owned factories that have been gearing up across the Southeast.
FORBES: Where's Next: November May Determine Regional Winners
But on the big question of whether or not the Palestinians are going to be in a position to demand from themselves that they meet the requirements of ending violence so that something can happen in terms of a future negotiation, this was a very important step today.
Yes, there can indeed be (depending on which flavour of economics you prefer) deficiencies in aggregate demand that can be boosted by government action, there are various ways we can have recessions.
FORBES: Global Economic Slowdown: Is It Manufacturing or Money?
Part of that growth, to be sure, was due to overall growth in demand, but a big part of it I suspect is due to the switch from less fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly unconventional vehicles, to more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly passenger cars, trucks and buses.
He argues that given the small size of the cloud computing market, Amazon and other giants will be more interested in growing the demand for cloud services than hoarding their shares of the market.
The demand for space in cities is largely a product of regulations that demand valuable land be wasted on parking, limit mixed-use zoning and restrict the height of buildings.
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Despite these concerns, all may not be lost in fighting the double whammy of rising demand and decreasing supply.
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Croesus' oil guru thinks that Brazil's Tupi and Jupiter fields will be minor blips in the grand scheme of rising demand and diminishing supply.
Dr Allwood says that in order to meet CO2 targets, demand for new steel in the UK alone must be reduced to 30% of current levels.
Investors were solicited to assist in the digital re-mastering of the recordings which, once released, would supposedly be in high demand and produce lucrative returns.
Brazil has countered by seeking a judgment on a clause in America's patent law which lets it demand that products invented with the help of government aid be made in America.
"As smartphones replace feature phones as the norm in wireless markets throughout the globe, there will be great demand for connectivity solutions that provide dramatically lower bill of material costs without compromises in performance, " said Mohy Abdelgany, president and chief executive officer for Newport Media.
The decline in notebook demand could also be blamed on the growth of tablets.
As might be expected, both types of equipment are in strong demand in China this year.
FORBES: The Battle For China's Construction-Machinery Market
Next was reported by BBC readers to be overwhelmed by demand at some of its branches in the London suburbs.
The demand from institutional investors will be in the range of 500 million to one billion shares depending on the price.
If gasoline demand in the Midwest was converted to demand for E85, every drop of ethanol produced in the Midwest could be consumed in the Midwest.
In addition to consistent demand--as long as there is a college, there will be students in need of housing--university areas offer a variety of diversity and cultural perks.