In order to get others to follow you, both faces of leadership must be in evidence: Nurture those traits that success requires of you personally, like courage, perseverance, faith, commitment, etc.
So Argentina's rich terrace culture, with its drums and wonderful non-stop singing, will hardly be in evidence this June - and the World Cup will be all the poorer for it.
Some economists reckon the Asia-inspired trade drag will subtract up to 2.5 percentage points from second-quarter growth and will be in evidence well beyond that, as it usually takes six to nine months for trade flows to respond fully to economic changes.
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And most of the eight Welsh Tories have qualms about voting for a measure which will reduce Welsh representation in Westminster, and know that their vote would be used in evidence against them.
In the first case of its kind, clips will be used in evidence against a 38-year-old man from Edinburgh.
It is unclear, however, that such a statement to the effect that the particular defendant was innocent of any involvement would be received in evidence.
Other steps that have been taken include automatic uploading of all eligible DNA profiles, as well as requiring a supervisor to be in the evidence exam rooms at all times.
The act requires police to caution a suspect ahead of any questioning, warn him that anything he says could be used in evidence and entitles him to have a solicitor present.
These guidelines allow scientific techniques to be used in evidence, as long as the techniques have survived the scrutiny of peer review, use established error rates, and have general acceptance in the scientific community.
But the Court of Appeal judges said Siac had been entitled to think there was a risk the "impugned statements" would be used in evidence during a retrial and there was "a real risk of a flagrant denial of justice".
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Votes in coming days in the Senate will be among the evidence that will be examined in the hopes of answering a question that will, with hindsight, be asked by many: What on earth were they thinking?
The tape has been sent to Texas securities regulators, the SEC and the U.S. Attorney's office in Arizona and likely will be used as evidence in their upcoming trial.
However, Joe Grant, secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, said rank and file police officers had reservations about the role civilian workers would have in taking statements which will be used as evidence in court.
The Police Superintendents' Association, which has been examining the Dutch system, will call on the home secretary at its annual conference later this month to change the law to allow intercept evidence to be used as evidence in British courts.
The letters being held at the facility in Virginia had not been decontaminated on FBI orders, who wanted to keep the letters in their original state so they could be used as evidence in a court case.
Traystman tells me that his client saw a few incriminating things on the computer he shares with his wife at home that made him suspect that there would be more evidence in her social networking accounts.
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Those still unsure about republicans' commitment to democracy may even concede in time that there could be evidence of serious intent in Sinn Fein's choice of two demanding ministries, at the heart of Northern Ireland's daily life: education and health.
Surely if DMAA was as dangerous as it has been made out to be in the media coverage, there would be a confluence of evidence from the risks identified in clinical studies and a substantial body of case reports tying those risks to adverse and fatal outcomes?
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For this school to be right, more evidence will be needed in the second half of the year.
There is a related civil case, which has been delayed until February 2011, to give the lawyers enough time to prepare following an anticipated decision in July on whether the wiretap evidence will be allowed in the civil trial.
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This, they hoped, would in turn be evidence that the field of economics was not pro-slavery.
Hanna ruled the conflicting claims could be admitted into evidence in the Lorillard case.
Trust payments, like most legal settlements, are considered confidential and generally can't be used as evidence in subsequent trials.
It aims to allow sensitive material to be examined as evidence in civil proceedings, without that material being made available to the general public.
It brings together information provided by Scotland's police forces to help identify cases that could be cracked through advances in evidence gathering techniques such as DNA profiling.
But Mr Walker said it had to be done in accordance with evidence and not to seek a result the jury might like to bring in "one way or another".
Pamela Mills claims that Darden and Dana Thompson, an investigator for the District Attorneys office, attempted to coerce her "to adopt and embrace certain fabrications as testimony" to be introduced as evidence in the Simpson case.
But the Supreme Court has undermined that idea over the years, most powerfully with its Daubert ruling in 1993, ordering judges to determine the credibility of scientific witnesses before they can even be allowed to provide evidence in civil lawsuits.
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But even when this process is complete, there may be a number of people who cannot be prosecuted for past crimes, in some cases because evidence may be tainted, but who nonetheless pose a threat to the security of the United States.
But, even in an era of sophisticated forensic science, definitive evidence can be elusive: in one case, the Serbs burned hundreds of corpses in a lead smelter.