Siri misinterpreted that query, and also, since the season has not begun because of the lockout, they cannot actually be in first place (they finished in last place, last year).
We want to give people more options in terms of being able to be covered in the first place.
"We want people to climb up through their own efforts, yes, but in order to climb up they need the ladder to be there in the first place, the family that nurtures them, the school that inspires them, the opportunities there for them, " he said.
Unfortunately, as in the case of the Goldstone Report, in most instances where buyer's remorse is setting in, there is really no excuse for the actions to be taken in the first place.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Second thoughts, from Goldstone to the 'Arab Spring'
Exactly why the firm let the material be gathered in the first place is still unclear.
And, if it was ever thus, how did it ever get to be thus in the first place?
And if such answers have been programmed then they also have to be written in the first place.
FORBES: What A Great Job: Writing The Scripts For Apple's Siri
Then again, an investor who can't take risk shouldn't be in the stock market in the first place, Mr. Figelman says.
Bingham Town Council objected to the plans, saying the infrastructure to cope with the development should be put in place first.
How did the firm come to be nationalised in the first place?
Whoever wrote this article forgot to include a few things....specifically about how most rich men got to be rich in the first place.
Further, holiness is not something to be achieved in the first place through prayer and spiritual discipline, but rather through the mundane details of everyday work.
Once an agile billing solution is up and running, most companies still need the capability to analyze customer behaviour to identify the changes that need to be made in the first place.
However, Simon Bolton, Unison's regional organiser for Kent, said the mistakes should not be occurring in the first place given "today's technology and with the advancements and processes over the past 20 years".
If partition was a pragmatic response to the reality of the time, a prior question is: by what right did the 600, 000 or so Jews of mandatory Palestine come to be there in the first place?
Now, RDBMS and SQL somewhat goes directly against the principles that forced Hadoop to be created in the first place, which is requirement to have a predefined structure (known as a schema) of the data being stored.
The Treasury thought about introducing clauses that would have explicitly punished those investors who trade their PFI stakes before the expiry of contracts but feared these investors would have increased what they charge to be involved in the first place.
Many would not be developed in the first place if the drug companies did not have the incentive to make gobs of money in the U.S. In France and Britain, Moore shows doctors using imaging machines and emphasizes how everything's free.
First and foremost, think very carefully about whether you really want to be an entrepreneur in the first place.
If approved, tendering for contracts would begin in the autumn and the first contracts would be in place in autumn 2014.
And as Mobley taught his great corporate leaders: this mission must be worth doing in the first place.
Meanwhile, a new independent report on the cause of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster places most of the blame on the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company for allowing the plant to be so vulnerable in the first place.
There really are only so many types of shows likely to be on daytime in the first place -- talk and game shows, legal programs and the like -- but O'Neil argues there's still room for ingenuity, pointing to the wealth of talent found on the Web.
Nor does it explain how Unilever came to be in violation of anti-discrimination rules in the first place.
Although Wales have previously played an international fixture under the cover of the roof in the stadium, this will be the first club match in Britain to take place under the same conditions.
But they may not be offered the job in the first place.
ECONOMIST: Gulf citizen, no qualifications, seeks well-paid job
Experts say the key to an effective cyberdefense is to establish an effective deterrent, so that countries would be dissuaded from attacking in the first place.
"They know a great deal about their business or they wouldn't be at the top in the first place, so they're demanding and impatient students, " he says.