• This is why Brazil's stockmarket has been hurt more than Poland's and why its currency may well be next in the firing line.

    ECONOMIST: Emerging-market measles

  • There may therefore be an expectation that Mr Murdoch's son, James Murdoch, will be more in the firing line when it comes to the forensic questioning of the committee's members - though at the relevant times, his responsibilities went wider than News International's British newspapers, so he too may not be able to provide answers to everything the committee wishes to know.

    BBC: BSkyB: Decision expected on James Murdoch's role

  • Even on paper, the funding now available would not be enough to cover the financing needs of all of the countries in the firing line for any length of time.

    BBC: Greece, France and the future of the euro

  • He believes Des Browne has a "natural inclination to be a power behind the throne" and will have to adjust to life in the firing line as immigration minister.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Profile: Des Browne

  • Individual ministers and civil servants will find themselves in the firing line in coming days, but most damaging for the government will be the charge of incompetence.

    BBC: West Coast fiasco adds to coalition woes

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