Someone can be infected with Ebola for up to 21 days before becoming symptomatic.
CNN: Up to three Ebola-infected travelers might fly each month
Almost half of South Africa's mineworkers are said to be infected with the HIV virus.
Girls who marry early are more likely to be abused and, these days, to be infected with HIV.
Public-health officials were alarmed by the possibility that supposedly healthy people might unknowingly be infected with a contagious retrovirus.
The Imperial College team suggest this could mean that some people could be infected with vCJD, but not develop symptoms.
But the 3, 000 volunteers who received the vaccine were only 3.8% less likely to be infected with HIV than 1, 500 volunteers who received only the placebo.
They say some of the badgers were known to be infected with TB and that both farms suffered bovive TB outbreaks during the course of the study.
Also Thursday, authorities in Hong Kong ordered the closure of all elementary schools, kindergartens and day care centers in the city after 12 students were found to be infected with the virus.
CNN: Swine flu 'not stoppable,' World Health Organization says
"A lot of these women will be infected (with HIV or Aids), " said Annabel Kanabus, director of Avert.
An unprotected computer on a broadband connection can be breached and infected with viruses or spyware within minutes.
In other markets where neither approach is being tested, the 250 GB limit is being suspended, although Cohen says that the company will contact the small number of users who are using excessive amounts of bandwidth, in part to be sure they are not infected with malware or have an unsecured wireless router.
The infection can be transmitted through contact with an infected person or contaminated food and drink.
It causes lung damage, and can be incredibly hard to treat with infected patients needing months of treatment with toxic drugs.
To prevent transmission, treatment would in theory need to be expanded to all the 34m people infected with the disease.
The researchers calculate that for every 15 patients switched to the generic-based regimen, one who is also infected with hepatitis C could be treated and potentially cured of that infection.
Typically a newborn with an infected mother would be given one or two drugs as a prophylactic measure.
It comes after two rodent owners were infected with the hantavirus, which can be passed to humans through the animals' urine, faeces and saliva - usually through a bite.
Those areas seem to have a combination of factors that include the right kinds of virus-carrying mosquitoes and birds, along with large numbers of people who can be infected, Nasci said.
The extreme microscope will enable a number of subjective and time-consuming tasks such as counting the number of cells staining positive for a biomarker or locating cells infected with a parasite like malaria, to be replaced by highly repeatable and robust computer vision applications.
The ratio of young women to young men infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa can be as high as eight to one.
Among the people found to be infected, several are believed to have been in close contact with birds, including a 48-year-old who transported poultry, a 45-year-old poultry butcher and a 38-year-old chef.
By leveraging the social connections in a network like Facebook or MySpace, phishers could send messages to a site's users that seem to be sent by a friend, and suggest visiting a page infected with bank code stealing software.
But the bots will remain infected with the malware that recruited them, and may soon be recruited anew.
There's been a renewed warning in Britain that meat infected with BSE, or mad cow disease, could still be getting into the food chain.
Norovirus can be spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, by contact with an infected person, or by the consumption of contaminated food or water.
"We have very selfish reasons for wanting to be a role model, " Chambers says, his cheery West Virginia twang infected with a bit of swagger and a ton of iron-will certainty.
Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at anti-virus company Sophos, said the virus had been known about since the end of June and anyone with up to date anti-virus software was unlikely to be infected by it.
So if you pop in a DVD "infected" with Protect DVD-Video, it can't be read by Windows Media Player, Media Center Edition, or any DirectShow-based software, thanks to a Universal Disc Format that tricks your machine into believing that the IFO file is zero bytes long.
ENGADGET: Protect DVD-Video prevents discs from playing on your PC
Even without the contraceptive bonus, VivaGel would be attractive to large potential markets such as the 38.6 million people worldwide infected with HIV or the one out of every five Americans that has genital herpes.
Bacterial proteins, too, can be identified and analysed in infected tissue by combining new techniques for the production of antibodies with the expanding science of immunocytochemistry (which looks at the reactions to those antibodies of individual components of cells).