However, reaction to the death of the man who called for bringing down the rulers who control the world's largest oil reserves as well as the cities where Islam originated is expected to bejubilant.
The Bronx Tremont Corps' kinetic fund-raising technique seems to be an attention-getting success if the jubilant crowds surrounding captains Balmori and Coello and snapping their pictures even falling in step beside them are any indication.
When they settled down to hear from the Democrats who want to be president, the crowd was excited, even jubilant, and they stayed that way despite the very serious messages they heard.
"There's no question leaving the Big East will be sad, it already is in so many ways, " Syracuse assistant coach Mike Hopkins said in a jubilant locker room.
Now SingTel seems to be about to snatch a small prize away from Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampoa and Singaporeans are so jubilant that they are making a big deal out of it.