If the election timetable was extended in line with the Electoral Commission's recommendation, it could mean an announcement would have to be made up to 36 days before polling day, once weekends and bank holidays were taken into account.
If the Union's common foreign and security policy could be made to live up to its name better, there would be no harm at times, and possibly some good, in having military means to back it up.
Lone inventors, he insists, should not be made to give up any of their rights to protect their intellectual property.
About 63% of its student body was found to be made up of pupils from state schools, according to its latest figures.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | St Andrews tries to curb elitism
But all of it was to be made up, and the friendly blogger who was going to post it all thought it was an "absolutely brilliant" idea.
WSJ: America's Newest Profession: Blogging – Mark Penn, WSJ.com
Should the Gulf be put off limits, that shortfall has to be made up from somewhere.
If you then now reduce the vehicle traffic that is allowed across the Alps, how is that shortfall going to be made up, other than a reduction in the total number of goods that are allowed to transit?
For Wong and his Accelera yachts, the next step is to build a larger shipyard, with state-of-the-art facilities, that would allow for up to 15 yachts to be made a year.
CNN: Made-in-China superyachts reflect changing tide of economy
Much as we all lament the loss of something dear to our hearts, the sums simply couldn't be made to add up either for the BBC or Sky, with whom we bid jointly.
As your business grows and circumstances change it allows quick changes to be made so you can keep your plan up to date.
FORBES: Q&A With Nell Merlino: Architect Of Take Your Daughters And Sons To Work Day And Count Me In
Both intend to add capacity, some of which will be necessary as demand for chips made with the most up-to-date technologies will be high.
To that end an SDK and HDK will be made available allowing tinkerers to craft up their own innovations.
ENGADGET: Robotex Avatar for Home and Office eyes-on Hands-on
But apart from that, it was a near perfect filming experience and I will certainly be applying myself to thinking up what other Istanbul-based programmes need to be made.
But I would say is there's some really tough decisions to be made and it's going to be a white paper that faces up to those tough decisions, so in that respect I expect the autumn will be about tough talking, sharing the ideas, and arguing our corner.
It said it would work with the London Stock Exchange to examine what changes and back-up arrangements needed to be made to avoid a repeat of the debacle.
Shortfalls, or "underfunded pension liabilities, " need to be made up by employers or, in the case of California, taxpayers.
Also, he believes that any tax cut will only have to be made up by more borrowing by the U.S. Treasury.
An election on March 23rd for the 33-seat Senate, to be made up of supposedly non-partisan regional representatives, may help ease the conflicts.
That difference compounded over 30 or more years amounts to a considerable loss of permanent wealth, which is unlikely to be made up by QE3.
FORBES: Bernanke Administers Another Cruel Dose Of Financial Morphine With QE3
He said the poaching gang is believed to be made up of 10 people and was being hunted by rangers on foot and from the air.
BBC: Kenya hunts ivory poachers after elephant family killed
Part of the cost can be made up by putting an end to the unwarranted subsidies that we are giving oil companies right now through the tax code. (Applause.) I want everybody to listen here.
He said he wants to see the town teams, to be made up of council members, local landlords, business owners and MPs, drive change in retail, entertainment and leisure, as well as in housing and public services.
Since the deal, city council members and officials have said the deal constrained the city's ability to control meters and set policy on its streets, because any changes that affected the revenues promised to the private investors would have to be made up with payments by the cash-strapped city.
WSJ: Privatizing New York City Parking Meters: DeBlasio Critical of Plan
Two substances which are said to give users dangerous "legal highs" are to be made illegal class B drugs - with users facing up to five years in jail.
BBC: "Legal highs" mexxy and black mamba banned by government
The ACMD's chairman Prof Les Iversen called for tramadol to be made a Class C drug, with penalties of up to two years in prison for possession and 14 years for supply.
Their 2003 chassis, in particular, was very good - many consider it to be the best on the grid - and it made up to some extent for what remains a down-on-power radical wide-angle engine.
But it should be made clear that if you choose to be vaccinated you give up the right to sue.
Mr Blair used his Christmas message to the military to say no-one knew if war in Iraq would be necessary, but preparations had to be made, including the build-up of troops.