And they tend to be married to more worldly women than management wives used to be.
The EITC encourages people to work or be married to someone who is working.
Kudos to every man in America who is strong enough to be married to a "career woman!"
May I ask you, Madame Lambert, what it is like to be married to a great magician?
He stressed that parliament had already removed the requirement that heterosexual partners must be married to inherit tenancies.
And I wouldn't be married to a man that had the kind of temper that people are describing.
Mr Havelange's daughter used to be married to Ricardo Teixeira, the much-criticised head of the Confederation of Brazilian Football.
And those HBS entrepreneurs are happier, wealthier, and more likely to be married to their original spouse than their peers.
FORBES: Harvard's Lion of Entrepreneurship Packs Up His Office
When Asteria confirms their love, Tamerlano angrily orders Bajazet to be executed, and says Asteria will be married to a slave.
The protagonist, Ross Poldark, returns from war to find that his father is dead and his betrothed is now arranged to be married to his cousin.
Lionel Jospin, France's Socialist prime minister, who happens to be married to a philosopher with feminist leanings, has decided to press the feminists' cause.
My husband wouldn't want to be married to some shrinking daisy who had nothing more to talk about than what kind of toilet bowl cleaner she needs from the store.
According to the agreement on the referendum between Indonesia and Portugal, eligible voters must have been born in East Timor, have one parent born there, or be married to an East Timorese.
At Gretna, two Pakistani men, a 21-year-old who was due to be married to a Lithuanian woman and another aged 33, who was acting as a witness to the marriage, were both arrested.
And if you think that Mike Eng is a worthy successor to Judy Chu, then vote for Mike Eng because of Mike Eng, not because Mike Eng happens to be married to Judy Chu.
On top of that I am engaged to be married to a wonderful girl who fortunately is accepting of my situation and my daughter, but it's not like I give her much to complain about.
"All I know is that I continue to love him and want to be married to him and want to be with him, but I also have this desire to have another partner, " she says.
In late August, Health Secretary Felipe Estrella quit after complaining that he was being routinely bypassed by his subordinate, Health Undersecretary Susan Pineda Mercado, who happens to be married to defense secretary Mercado, an old Erap buddy.
The teenagers bought into the pitch from Andy Enfield, a coach made millions starting up a document imaging and contract management company in the health care industry, and who happens to be married to former supermodel Amanda Marcum.
"We don't have to be married to enjoy many of the benefits that traditionally were exclusive to marriage, " said Susan Brown, co-director of the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
But (and here we should assume that she already had her eye on who she would prefer to be married to, being a propertyless single woman was not a viable option in the England of the time) her intended second husband would have some property of his own.
She yearned to be married and to have a family of her own, but time and again, tragedy intervened to put an end to those hopes.
Asians are more likely than the overall U.S. population to be married, or to live in a multigenerational household, and their children are more likely to be raised in a two-parent home, the report says.
Conservatives are twice as likely as liberals to be married and twice as likely to attend church every week.
Swindon Crown Court heard he had to be married and living in Army quarters with his wife to be eligible to claim.
You need to be married for 10 years in order to collect spousal and survivor benefits from your ex-spouse if you get divorced.
Over the Christmas holiday, Mr Hefner announced he was to be married for the third time, to his 24-year-old girlfriend, model Crystal Harris.
As indicated, you need to be married for 10 years in order to collect spousal and survivor benefits from your ex-spouse if you get divorced.
But others, such as the right to go about the city with a drawn sword, the right to be hanged by a silken rope, the right to drive sheep over London Bridge, the right to be drunk and disorderly in the City, the right to be married in St Paul's Cathedral and buried with the City, may always have been in the realms of folklore.