The heel can now be modeled as a simple cantilever beam of circular cross section.
Though it may be modeled on a child's toy, this massive public art installation isn't just for kids.
The ThingWorx platform allows things to be modeled as ThingShapes, the brain, and to capture a ThingShadow, the memory.
And these will be modeled on funds that supported the transitions in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The democratic playoff would be modeled after England's popular Football Association Cup and be completely separate from the rest of the baseball season.
Disney Springs, which will be modeled on Florida's waterfront communities, will feature four outdoor neighborhoods with more than 150 shops, restaurants and other establishments.
Businesses are complex adaptive systems that cannot be modeled with certainty.
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Our intention is that the reporting of gross receipts and sales on the 2012 income tax forms will be modeled on the 2010 income tax forms.
FORBES: IRS Continues to Weigh In on New Credit Card Reporting Requirements
The system would be modeled on a method used by cellular telephone service providers to warn each other about people who have a poor record of paying their bills.
In New Jersey, classes would be modeled after the free 90-minute programs now available in some schools, which underscore the dangers of teen driving, the leading cause of death for 16- to 20-year-olds nationally.
Other countries took note of the fact that policies can no longer be modeled on June Cleaver greeting her husband and children at the end of the day with a meal and a smile.
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Rather, I think the root cause lies in families of origin, where the critical thinking, reading, and listening skills so essential to success in a global high-tech economy, need to be modeled from the earliest possible age.
In the real world, we rarely encounter a situation that can be completely modeled with an analytical (rational) model, so the correct answer to the model cannot purport to be the definitively correct answer to the real world situation.
He also said it would be vital for the repertoire of any orchestra modeled after El Sistema to go beyond standard European orchestral music.
FORBES: Can El Sistema, Venezuelan Youth Orchestra System, Be Adapted For United States?
The fully articulated gown based on the Fibonacci sequence was designed by Michael Schmidt and 3D modeled by architect Francis Bitonti to be 3D printed in Nylon by Shapeways.
However, I modeled him after the person I wanted to be, rather than who I was.
The latest alternative would be a system of non-profit health insurance cooperatives modeled after rural agriculture co-ops.
In the fall, Metcalfe will instruct 1 Semester Startup, a class modeled after 3DS. He is confident that innovation can be taught and believes it starts with inspiration.
HSAs are modeled after IRAs--money for medical purposes can be deposited free of tax, it can grow tax free, and it can be spent for medical care, tax free.
The Bush Administration has a sluggish, low-key missile defense effort under way: a limited ground-based system deployed in Alaska and California, which won't be much of a deterrent in today's world, and a still underdeveloped sea-based system modeled on the U.S. Navy's Aegis vertical launch system.
So the Conservative government is creating a new scheme, modeled after successes in Australia and New Zealand, in which the credentials and language skills of immigrants will be assessed by an independent third party, and those who pass muster will become part of a pool of potential immigrants to Canada that is available to employers.