As such, we should be much more concerned about the health of employment than the health of housing.
When the companies explain their urge to merge today on a conference call, investors will probably be most concerned about how much the deal will drag on Amgen's earnings.
Consequently, you should not be too concerned about working too much and losing your benefits if you elected to take them early.
Consequently, you should not be too concerned about working too much and losing your own retirement benefits if you elected to take them early.
And so that's where I'd have a selling job, Chuck, is trying to sell some of our party that if you are a progressive, you should be concerned about debt and deficit just as much as if you're a conservative.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on Deficit Reduction
They may be more intent on raising as much money as possible and less concerned about the publicity value of an IPO or the need to reward or reassure investors with quick returns.
Unlike a few years ago, no one now seems to be concerned about the threat of deflation-yet most economists agree it is much harder to stop.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Austerity Didn't Work in '37...What About Now?
The artists said villagers should not be concerned about any noise issues, and that control of the project would be very much in their hands.
Tim Berners-Lee, who is credited with much off the early innovation that became the web, says that we should be very concerned about the threats to the open web.
So I would be especially concerned about vitamin D deficiency in young African-American men who have likely spent much of the last few winter months on indoor basketball courts and in indoor classes.
FORBES: Kevin Ware And Vitamin D Deficiency in African-Americans