Additional funding, such as might be necessary for additional support, would then be provided separately.
This lifting muscle, again, will be necessary for the construction of a space station.
It may be necessary for unfortunate countries to promise former dictators safety at home.
The international community can pledge the resources that will be necessary for a coordinated and sustained effort.
His lawyer said he hoped it would not be necessary for the prime minister to appear in court.
It will be necessary for the company to hold additional common stock offerings or to issue debt securities (bonds).
With silicon quite expensive rebuilds of roof supports can be necessary for example.
FORBES: The Solyndra Report and the Real Benefits and Problems With Their Technology
What will be necessary for one country may not be appropriate for another.
Which military programs will be necessary for the U.S. to be able to project the power needed to meet those threats?
It would still be necessary for the Congress to approve all borrowing.
It will still be necessary for force protection and our counter-terrorism mission and to -- and to do -- continue training of Iraqi forces.
CNN: Army chiefs urge caution for Obama's planned troop cuts
It may be necessary for him to step aside from his board position as his objectivity may be impaired by the losses he is experiencing.
For the rest of us, learning precise chunks of information may not be necessary for our financial survival, but it can bring an unaccountable pleasure.
The IRS has clearly considered that this could be a problem with Shulman noting that home visits will eventually be necessary for verification to prove residency and domesticity.
We have spent far less on our physical and natural infrastructures than will be necessary for either to function in a way that is optimal for our present and future existence.
FORBES: A New Report on Climate Change: The World Bank Tries to Wake Us Up
American force levels will be set on the basis of what is deemed by our government to be necessary for U.S. deterrence and security requirements, not determined by the often arbitrary results of protracted negotiations with Moscow.
It will be necessary for some time to actively cool the reactors while the decay heat continues to decrease, but within a few months it will be possible to depressurize the reactors and assess their internal states.
FORBES: Explainer: What Caused The Incident At Fukushima-Daiichi
In areas with more severe house-price declines, it may be necessary for lenders to take a bigger haircut and offer smaller notional shared appreciation claims in order to restore homeowners to positive equity at lower house prices.
And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.
FORBES: Women of the American Revolution Exercised Consumer Power
"The A12 from Woodbridge to Lowestoft is just not fit for purpose - let alone to carry the volumes of heavy lorries in particular which will be necessary for the Sizewell C project, " a Suffolk Coastal council spokesman said.
BBC: Suffolk County Council report calls for villages bypass
It will likely be necessary for advertising agencies to build in those social ties to Super Bowl commercials, because the traditional nature of turning on a television to watch the Big Game with buddies and friends simply no longer exists.
FORBES: Is It Worth Spending $4 Million On A Super Bowl Commercial?
That suggests France is perilously perched on the cusp between being part of the solution to the eurozone's financial woes and becoming an intractable part of the problem: neurotic investors fear that the French government's balance sheet and French banks may not be strong enough to underwrite the size of bailouts that could turn out to be necessary for Italy and Spain.
And we want a government that is lean and mean, but working effectively with you, not wasting your tax dollars but investing in those things that are going to be absolutely necessary for us to be competitive.
WHITEHOUSE: Helping Small Businesses Grow and Create New Jobs
The project as a whole will be necessary viewing for anyone interested in the fate of modern drama.
But it appears to be a necessary investment for farmers struggling to deal with harsh heat and little rain.
Pretty soon a four year college will be the necessary key for survival.
That clause empowers Congress to enact "all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution" its enumerated powers.
WSJ: Barnett and Foley: The Nuts and Bolts of the ObamaCare Ruling
Both intend to add capacity, some of which will be necessary as demand for chips made with the most up-to-date technologies will be high.