There is a lot she will not be sure about at the subsequent inquiry.
He may not be sure about his age, but he is clear about the reasons that bring him to Allahabad and Sangam every Kumbh Mela.
The case ultimately fell apart after prosecutors decided they could not be sure about the credibility of the alleged victim, despite forensic evidence that showed a sexual encounter had occurred.
Chorion, the company that controls Blyton's estate, said it could not be 100% sure about the differences between the picture book and the novel because they both "pre-date our acquisition of the Blyton Estate".
"A fastest lap could be possible but I'm not sure about a podium, " the German said.
Yet Mr Sharif's grip is not sure, and it may be about to become less democratic.
To be sure, Berlusconi's comeback is not entirely unexpected and is more about the implosion of, and dramatic loss of support for, the PdL (not to mention its dependence on Berlusconi for most of its funding) than anything else.
Having tried and failed this morning to register to receive payments under Pingit, I'm not entirely sure what will be the biggest hurdles to its adoption - worries about how secure it is, or frustration at the number of hoops you have to jump through to get going.
It is true in terms of how Hilda Solis, our Secretary of Labor, will be thinking about our training programs, to make sure that we are not excluding from training for high-tech jobs, the new jobs of the future, persons with disability.
In an election sure to be about strength of voter turn-out, it may not, as conventional wisdom instructs, be all about the economy after all.
And, to be quite honest, I'm not sure I care what someone I don't know thinks about a hotel.
Sure, I can be my own lawyer, but the old saw about doctors not practicing on themselves also applies to lawyers.
FORBES: When To Call A Lawyer And When To Walk Away From The Phone
Although he is not sure his tweeting tipped off the burglars, he says he will be more careful in the future about what he shares online.
FORBES: Traveling this summer? Don't forget to pack your privacy.
Note: Be sure not to infringe on employees rights under Section 7 of the NLRA. Section 7 is about employee rights to self-organization and collective bargaining and also allows for employees to discuss things with each other, such as wages or other working conditions.
FORBES: A Primer on How to Create A Sound Social Media Policy
All you have to do is make sure your guy has rotated to a side of the hexagon which is not about to be hit by one of those lines or blocks.
"I have not spoken to (chief executive) David Gill about it but I'm sure there will be another contract because Gary's been back to his best, " said Ferguson.
But little is known about departures, probably (no one can be sure) the biggest factor of all: governments worry about foreigners who are in their country, not those who aren't.
Hyzy: I'm not so sure that "too big to fail" is ever going to be gone, whether you're talking about banks, financials or any other sector.