My initial take: While this might seem like a great arrangement for Electronic Arts and Disney, I cannot see how taking away the element of competition will be good for the quality of Star Wars games.
Or the high profits could be a sign of efficiency and good quality.
Care should not be a lottery, it should not be that if you are number 49 of 50 patients that you get good quality care but if you happen to be number 50 you don't get good quality care.
The Water Framework Directive will require all rivers, lakes and canals to be returned to "good ecological quality" within 15 years - and the measure of quality will be far tougher than it is now.
"Efforts need to be made to give them a good quality of life, " says Dr Tejaswi.
In our previous meetings we had really tough matches and I hope the quality of tennis will be good and hopefully I can change a few things around this time.
With that in mind, the video rental company thought it would be a good idea to look at the quality of the ISPs (Internet Service Providers) consumers are using in America.
The members translate the four pillars of Education for the 21st century (learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together) into good practices of quality education.
He says an ample portion of its low-quality debt could still be salvaged with good management.
Case in point: When Kodak wanted to bring out a "single use" disposable camera, people within the company's film division vigorously opposed the move because the inexpensive plastic lenses used meant that the quality of the photographs wouldn't be as good as those taken by 35mm cameras.
This upcoming "flight to quality" will be very good for the handful of elite blue-chip companies that are showing real growth and not just fooling the market with fuzzy math, and for small-cap innovators that are agile enough to capitalize on niche markets.
And he added it would lead to the "driving up" of quality and value for money as good services will be allowed to thrive.
Releasing NSSE, CLA, and post-graduate success data would be a good first step toward more transparency and would allow the producers of academic quality rankings to better serve both the consumers of and investors in colleges and universities.
So some of the more equity-income, high-quality names might be a good place to stick.
It doesn't necessarily follow that a team should pay up for a player just because he's quality when they're not likely to be good, of course, but the Mets might make a special case.
The fungus has ruined what was supposed to be a good year for Colombia, the world's second-largest producer of high-quality arabica coffee, the mild-flavored, hand-picked beans for which coffee traders usually pay a premium.
The good thing is there are not many teams we will be playing against of Chelsea's quality.
Any mention of 'light touch', particularly in regard to the approval of training organisations that provide good-quality training relevant for the sector, should be treated with caution.
"In 2006, the government told us the quality of our new housing was very good, and that it would be able to survive a seven-magnitude earthquake, " she said.
Robinson's squad shades it in terms of quality but there won't be much between the sides and Scottish rugby fans have good grounds for optimism after too many seasons in the lower reaches of the league table.
Of course, much will depend on how good the projection is, but already "the image quality of these micro projectors can be impressive considering their size, " notes Aloysius Choong, an analyst with research firm IDC, who's seen a few prototypes in action.
Conversely, to the extent that investors do not presently own shares whose price might be altered by good or bad information, the proper pricing of those shares thanks to the inside investor acting on quality information enables buyers to make better informed decisions about whether or not to buy.
The good news is that with the advent of widespread, high quality online learning, we may be able to speed that up and create more effective learning pathways.
''Good care, treatment and support must be accompanied by services to improve the person's overall quality of life.