But he said death sentences appeared to be on the rise in recent years.
But all of them appear to be on the rise and someday may run vast empires.
Drinking may even be on the rise, reckons Humphrey Serjeantson of IWSR, a London-based market-research firm.
Mahathir's concern that Islamic extremism could be on the rise was no more welcome.
Laser pen attacks on aircraft seem to be on the rise in many places around the world.
BBC: Man gets 30 months in prison for shining laser at plane
Mortgage rates will be on the rise, which will be yet another drag on the depressed housing market.
Its entry into the rare disease market is one more sign that these super-niche drugs continue to be on the rise.
FORBES: Why You Should Care That A Tiny Company Is Entering The Ultra-Rare Disease Market
Some investors are keeping markets above water by buying selectively in the belief that prices may soon be on the rise.
The scam has been happening in Florida for years but appears to be on the rise, immigration attorney Wilfredo Allen said.
In a heavily regulated business where enforcement appears to be on the rise, financial firms have to move carefully in developing social media policies.
Expat living, on the whole, seems to be on the rise, with global rents jumping 5.1% over the past year in 11 global cities surveyed.
The new generic drug user fees would help minimize the backlog of 2, 500 generic drug applications awaiting review, as generic drugs continue to be on the rise.
FORBES: PDUFA: One of Congress' most important health policy votes in 2012
Women shooters are rare but may be on the rise.
FORBES: Female Employee Yvonne Hiller Kills Two In Kraft Shooting
But now, fueled by growing awareness of the health risks of obesity and the popularity of weight-loss shows such as The Biggest Loser, they seem to be on the rise.
Yet Mr. Ueno at Mizuho Securities said prices nationwide will be on the rise by at least June on the back of a rise in energy prices like gasoline and electricity.
Tax rates may be on the rise, at least for hotels, said Bjorn Hanson, dean of the Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management at New York University.
The authors praise the steps that Brazil has taken in recent years to curb deforestation, but they are concerned that the clearing of trees could now be on the rise once again.
BBC: Rainforest plays critical role in hydropower generation
In theory, therefore, the earth's temperature should be on the rise--with potentially disastrous consequences that could include inundated coastlines, drastically altered weather, severe disturbances to agriculture, and tropical diseases' pushing into new territory.
As a result of a number of new medications with unique formulations, the potential for developing a toxic effect when taken with grapefruit juice appears to be on the rise, according to a new study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
FORBES: Caution When Taking Grapefruit Juice with Certain Medications
The OBR said much of the contraction in the UK economy could be blamed on the rise in global energy and commodity prices.
Opening a noisy Commons debate on 9 December 2010, after which MPs would be asked to vote on the rise, Mr Cable insisted that the proposals were "progressive" and would "maintain high quality universities in the long term".
Relatively new diseases like AIDS get most of the attention, but ancient killers once thought to be under control are on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and South America: malaria, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis (also known as dum-dum fever).
Roddy Catto, chairman of the Wiseman Milk Partnership, said the company would be looking to pass on the price rise to its customers.
BBC: Muller and Robert Wiseman Dairies agree milk price rise
This new novel will be about the part of America that is still on the rise.
Put buyers may be locking in gains on the sharp rise in JCP shares, or are perhaps bracing for the stock to pull back once the initial excitement over the new CEO subsides.
Taken together with the ice melt estimate, the scientists say the overall, maximum impact on the seas by 2100 will be a rise of 69cm - just 10cm higher than the IPCC projection in 2007, termed AR4.
BBC: 'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise
In fact, some of you think I and other economic reporters at the BBC should be more impartial on the subject - and not treat every rise in GDP as such good news.
The core topic, however, is likely to be domestic security, as crime has been on the rise for years.
The reason for the rise in the stock on Monday appears to be rumors surrounding the iPhone 5.
Yet one effect of the continuing violence across Indonesia could be that the role of the military, previously on the decline, will rise again.