Later on, they were more likely to be employed and earn more and less likely to be on welfare, which would constitute a drag on government spending rather than a bonus.
If this rate were applied to America, about 157 million Americans would be relying on welfare.
FORBES: In France's Welfare State Status Quo, Are We Seeing America's Future?
Mr Blair says he would be radical on welfare too, but so far has failed to come up with any coherent plan for reform or even to show any sign that he is thinking about one.
ECONOMIST: Which party is least likely to make it sick again?
One final thought - just as the Lib Dems have in recent weeks begun to harden their party's position on immigration, I gather a similar shift in their position on welfare might be on the horizon.
Latinos may be less reliant on welfare generally, but 40% of the children on welfare in California are Latino.
Despite operating under by-laws which purport to be focused on the welfare of college athletes, when the NCAA held a vote to allow (but not to require) schools to offer four- or five-year scholarships, 205 of 330 Division I institutions voted against the new rule and the measure passed by the narrowest of margins, as a supermajority of 207 schools was needed to uphold the ban.
"There does not have to be war on those on welfare, " he said.
As well as Lords reform, (or not), there will probably be big bills on the welfare system, higher education, business rates, and a series of political reform issues, like a power for voters to recall MPs and a register of lobbyists.
Instead of spending so much on police and welfare, we could be spending money on rebuilding badly dilapidated infrastructure and juicing up stagnant inner-city economies.
FORBES: Ending the War on Drugs Could Help Fix the Federal Budget
Medicaid used to be limited mainly to those on welfare.
ECONOMIST: The working poor need help, and in all kinds of ways
Project co-ordinator, and PowerSmart MD, Mike Basset-Smith said that the move represented a "milestone of huge importance" for Tokelau, as it would now be able to spend more on social welfare.
One way to reduce the squeeze on services would be to find additional welfare savings.
According to your article, maybe my best bet is to quit my over 30k year job, allow my home to be forclosed on, and then look for welfare assistance.
Then it's on to the fourth day of Report Stage consideration of the Localism Bill - the third of 12 days of Grand Committee debate on the Welfare Reform Bill will be held in a committee room upstairs.
BBC: Viewing guide: The coming week's highlights in Parliament
In the Lords (from 2.30pm) questions to ministers range across inequality in income in the UK, access to justice for those who will not be able to receive free legal advice on social welfare law (and this is the latest shot in a guerrilla campaign against changes to legal aid rules which come into force from 1 April) and future railway re-openings.
Dependants of welfare cheats will be protected and those on disability and sickness benefit are exempted.
That would be funding a general welfare program with a tax on a specific class of people.
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In fact, states will still be required to show that they are pushing those on welfare into employment.
After all, it would be in the best interests of baseball if teams on welfare did not extract money from their franchises.
Stuart Kay, from the branch, said volunteers would be able to help with anything from providing information on welfare funds to filling in forms.
Meanwhile, time ran out for benefit checks to be mailed on time to millions of veterans and families on welfare.
CNN: Budget impasse continues amid mix of pessimism and hope
Lord Taylor said UK egg producers "must not be put at a disadvantage for leading the way on animal welfare issues".
The minister said the changes would "refocus the welfare system on supporting those who should be working, while continuing to provide for those most in need".
Catherine Nakielny of the Farmers' Union of Wales animal health and welfare committee chairman said farmers needed to be on the lookout for any unusually high animal abortion cases or congenital abnormalities - deformed lambs, swollen heads or weak lambs.
Other welfare spending on the better-off should be cut back.
Over the coming years, the pressure on the welfare dependent to find a job will be matched by expanded programs to provide adult apprenticeships and training as well as to match people with work.
But campaigners say real progress was made between 2000 and 2010 and have expressed concerns that this could be endangered by cuts to the welfare budget - including curbs on tax credits and housing benefit caps - central to the coalition's deficit reduction plan.
It goes on to say a "prime consideration" continues to be the welfare of elderly and disabled people.
He went on to be appointed as head of Iran's wealthy social welfare organisation, but was removed in January under pressure from parliament.
Much of his concern was based on the law creating requirements that welfare recipients would not be able to fulfill and, as a result, have its own unintended consequence of causing welfare recipients to lose the aid they depend upon to feed and house their families should it become impossible to comply with the law.