By 2015 over half of all people living with HIV in the US will be over age 50.
In this case, fully a fifth of the U.S. population will be over age 65 inside of two decades, and whatever the other marvels of modern medicine, the mortality rate remains 100%.
Monster says its "Army" members must be over age 13 to post on the website without parental consent and that "less than a small fraction of 1%" of website participants are younger than 13.
"Next week we are taking the same model to help people who might be just over the age of retirement and their socially or rurally isolated, " he said.
People coming to vote must be US citizens over the age of 18, who have lived in the precinct for at least 30 days, says Al Jaeger, the North Dakota Secretary of State.
I'm the parent of a 20-year-old -- will I be telling my grandson someday not to worry, that the war should be over before he hits draft age?
But part of the problem with the definition - I mean, as an example - is that if you look at Mars - if Mars - if we discovered a Mars-sized object out beyond the orbit of Pluto, it couldn't be a planet, because over the age of the solar system it wouldn't have time to clear its orbit.
The minimum age to compete is 16 and the target age group is 16-25, but each team will be allowed to have a couple of players over the age of 25.
For people thinking about reverse mortgages, the house needs to be owned by people over 62 years of age and who own at least 65% of the house to qualify, says Thomas Holland, partner at Global Vision Advisors.
But cardiologists still think many more people--perhaps all 60 million Americans over age 55--should be taking a statin, be it Lipitor or competing drugs such as Merck 's (nyse: MRK - news - people ) Zocor, or Pravachol from Bristol-Myers Squibb (nyse: BMY - news - people ).
So, the Age of Fire may not yet be over in Dark Souls 2, meaning this could very easily be a prequel rather than a sequel.
According to MetLife, one in five Americans over the age of 65 will either be sold an inappropriate investment for their circumstances, charged too much in fees on their money or become the victims of out-and-out financial fraud.
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The argument is over whether or not there should be a standard retirement age in employment contracts.
It affects one in 100 people over age 60, though you can certainly be diagnosed with it earlier (as Fox was).
Noting the difficulties experienced by secondary school pupils in getting to university, Mr Lyttle called for a compromise to be reached over post-primary transfer, with the transfer age rising to 14.
You may be forgiven for thinking that great age of American startups is over.
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By 2010 there will be 6 million people in the U.S. over the age of 85.
Tanzi, now 74, has been jailed since 2011 for his role in the scandal that defrauded thousands of small-time investors, despite arguments by his lawyer that his health is failing and that he should be granted house arrest under a law allowing it for convicts over age 70.
The number of people over 65 will be equivalent to 60% of the working-age population in Europe in 2050, compared with only 40% in America.
ECONOMIST: Demography and the West: Half a billion Americans? | The
It affects 18 million Americans and tends to be more common in males, people who are overweight and adults over age 40, although it can occur at all ages, including in children.
Motorcyclists over the age of 60 are three times more likely to be hospitalised after a crash than younger bikers, a US study suggests.
Also, last I checked, over 50 is not as old as it used to be and middle age to senior status does not preclude one from being hungry and full of energy and ambition.
Bikers over the age of 60 were three times more likely to be admitted to hospital compared with those in their 20s and 30s - and two-and-a-half times more likely to sustain a serious injury.
The survey predicts that nearly half the additions to the Indian labour force over the period 2011-2030 will be in the 30-49 age group and says more needs to be done to provide this group with jobs in "higher-productivity" sectors.
Since Naidu is known as India's first information-age politician, we thought it would be appropriate to interview him over e-mail.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | South Asian of the Year: Chandrababu Naidu
Within the next four decades, most of the developed countries in East Asia, as well as Europe, will become veritable old-age homes: A third or more of their populations will be over 65.
The age restriction for people driving powered craft over 3 kilowatts will also be raised from 14 to 16 unless under close adult supervision.
Starting in 2008, the only way that college students under age 24 will be able to avoid the kiddie tax is if they provide over half of their own support from their earned income (wages and salaries).
Unquestionably, this is a tragedy, but if there is any defining message to be drawn from it, it is that the age of cheap, easy oil is over and we may now contemplate the dawn of hard (to get) oil.
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They also state that HRT should not be the first treatment of choice for the long-term prevention of osteoporosis in women over the age of 50, despite the success of the drug in treating the condition.