• Normally, to cheer the demise of a major company and employer would be perverse.

    CNN: Bankrupt Sogo

  • It may be perverse, given the consumer benefits that have come from the deregulation of airlines and telecoms, but most ordinary Americans do not, in their hearts, want less regulation.

    ECONOMIST: In love with regulation

  • "It would be perverse if our fleet, which has adopted sustainable fishing practices within an international management plan, was to suffer because of the piratical actions of other nations, " continued Armstrong.

    BBC: EU-Norway fishing talks under way in Ireland

  • Above all whether you are a fan of monarchy or not it would, I suggest, be perverse not to agree that it was a personal triumph for an 81-year-old monarch who first visited Washington soon after the Second World War, when Harry Truman was president.

    BBC: The Queen and President George W Bush

  • When it comes, there will be a perverse rainbow coalition of yesterdays men and women arguing against the euro.

    BBC: News | UK Politics | Charles Kennedy's speech in full

  • Another force behind the merger mania may be a perverse result of weak oil-share prices: it is now cheaper to buy oil reserves on Wall Street than by drilling your own well.

    ECONOMIST: Oil industry

  • It feels almost perverse to be so far away from home for a match between two English sides but the Russians are endeavouring to put on a show for their visitors.

    BBC: Welcome to Moscow

  • It seems particularly perverse to be doing this only two months after the Senate unanimously confirmed the appointment to the command of American forces in Iraq of General David Petraeus, an impressive officer who believes that the surge is showing signs of working.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush and Congress

  • South Koreans feel a loss of economic steam, and one perverse outgrowth may be a new hostility to outside capital.

    FORBES: Korea's Carter

  • "There are real risks that perverse incentives will be created that will undermine partnerships that have taken time to develop and foster an unproductive culture of buck-passing and mutual blame between health and social care, " the report said.

    BBC: MPs attack bed-blocking policies

  • The perverse result would be not a movement of sufficient Democrats into the Republican Party to carry the day for the GOP but stronger support, at least temporarily, among Democrats for even more heavy-handed government intervention at every turn.

    FORBES: The Grand Old Republican Party Is Over

  • Because the Supreme Court wisely understood that the Founders, in codifying these important rights, never intended them to be used to bring harm to the people in that theater when someone stupidly decides that it would be amusing or meet some perverse objective by causing a panic.

    FORBES: Guns: What Do We Do Now?

  • More recent papers have picked up similar threads, arguing that imbalances might prove to be both more persistent and less perverse than once thought.

    ECONOMIST: Global imbalances

  • While this will be helpful in reducing foreclosures in the short run, if not handled carefully it may also create perverse incentives for increased delinquencies in the future if the terms require borrowers to be delinquent in order to receive the windfall of principal reduction.

    FORBES: It's Time To Finalize The Robo-Signing Settlement

  • It makes a perverse sense: Why not get out and be done with the market?

    FORBES: Market Correction Calls Are Wasted Time

  • Yet the perverse result of all parties being tainted may be that no party really is.

    ECONOMIST: Political expenses scandal

  • Nor, believes Mr Akov, are the banks being lured by the perverse incentive to get together in order to be judged as too big to fail.

    ECONOMIST: Swallow hard

  • But the committee warned about the danger of "perverse outcomes", arguing more consideration should be given to someone's length of employment and abilities rather than earnings or degree qualifications.

    BBC: Immigration officer at Heathrow

  • The question is, with most of the GOP already deeply invested in using the debt ceiling as leverage to force a spending reduction without ridding our tax code of perverse elements of corporate welfare, can they still be brought back from the brink?

    FORBES: Where Is Nancy Reagan When We Need Her?

  • This creates a perverse incentive for governments to adopt uncompetitive tax rates that would be bad for everyone but tax collectors.

    FORBES: New OECD Report Calls For Crippling New Corporate Tax Rules

  • The solutions are therefore to be found in formal (and informal) rules and regulations to control or eliminate perverse incentives in the market place, and in the governance structures of financial corporations.

    ECONOMIST: Economic reasoning

  • There are a variety of reasons as to this and some of them are benign, such as raised costs now because more people want new procedures, but administrative costs, paperwork, perverse incentives, all kinds of structural things are wrong with the system that have to be fixed.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Criticizing the compensation packages of JPMorgan's Dimon and his senior associates might be popular with voters, but regulators would be better off focusing on the source of the problem -- the mispricing of government guarantees that create perverse risk incentives in the first place.

    CNN: Dimon's $23 million payday isn't the problem

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