Megrahi will not be present in court.
BBC: Megrahi
Media and people not connected to the case aren't allowed to be present in the court room.
WSJ: India Teenager Charged in Delhi Gang-Rape Case
The trial will formally begin Tuesday when the main complainant - the victim's male friend - and three others will be present in the court "to give their statements, " Mr. Singh said.
WSJ: Five Accused in Delhi Rape Plead Not Guilty
Unidentified Man: Do you solemnly swear that the evidence that you will present in this court will be the truth, so help you God?
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North Dakota, the Supreme Court ruled that a business had to be physically present in a state before it was required to collect use tax.
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That may be because the evidence against her is flimsy, or because it is too bad (or too secret) to present in court.
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These would be trials in which a victim did not want to co-operate - but other evidence was available to present to a court.
BBC: 'Significant' sex abuse arrests due says prosecutor